- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The court has been besieged by a flurry of last-minute filings in the case of George Zimmerman, whose neighborhood watch shooting of Trayvon Martin is supposed to head to a procedural hearing on Tuesday.

The hearing is supposed to be a state presentation of its final motion before the case heads to trial on June 10, ABC reported. But it’s been complicated by last-minute filings.

Attorneys for both sides have sent in numerous motions for Circuit Judge Debra Nelson to consider. Prosecutors want the judge to order an in-depth inquiry about Mr. Zimmerman’s reported waiving of an immunity hearing, which would let him claim self-defense without having to face a jury. And defense attorneys want the state prosecutors to be sanctioned over language in a motion they claim is inaccurate, USA Today reported.

Defense attorneys also say prosecutors purposely delayed March depositions by five hours over objections to their videotaping, and they should pay the $4,555 in attorney fees from that delay. Prosecutors scoff at that claim and said they are not responsible for attorney fees, USA Today said.

Mr. Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin during a February 2012 altercation in a gated community in Florida. Mr. Zimmerman said the shooting was in self-defense and justified under Florida law. Mr. Martin’s parents argue that their son was profiled and pursued, and subsequently murdered.

The case had garnered nationwide attention because it tests a gun law that allows for fatal shootings in instances of self-defense.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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