Saturday, April 13, 2013

The murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell was given a media blackout by the major news networks and illegal border crossings jumped as Congress tried to put together an immigration bill.

On the international stage, Cuba greeted rapper Jay-Z and the entertainer claimed in song that he was given clearance by the White House.

Here’s a recap, or wrap, on the week that was from The Washington Times:

Abortion doctor on trial, but media not interested; pro-lifers see bias in Philadelphia case

The trial details are nothing short of sensational: A doctor accused of killing seven newborns and a young woman at a filthy Philadelphia clinic strewn with body parts and described as a “slaughterhouse.”

It’s big news in Philadelphia, but nationally, not so much. The lack of coverage is a problem for a growing chorus of conservative and media critics, who allege that the scant national media attention can be attributed not to the courtroom drama but the politics of abortion.

Burger King diner defeats would-be robber by shooting him

A father who was trying to eat with his family at Burger King was able to defeat an armed robber by pulling his own weapon and shooting at him, Miami police said.

Two gay GWU students want priest removed from campus

Students and parishioners are rallying behind a Catholic priest at George Washington University after two gay students said they wanted him removed for supporting the church’s stance on homosexuality.

Seniors Damian Legacy and Blake Bergen want the Rev. Gregory Shaffer booted off campus because he taught that homosexual behavior is immoral.

Illegal border crossings leap ahead of immigration bill

Apprehensions of illegal immigrants are up 13 percent this year, the chief of the U.S. Border Patrol testified to Congress on Wednesday as lawmakers continued to bash the Obama administration for failing to have a way of measuring how secure the borders are.

Search error: Feds pay for data they could have just Googled, audit finds

Congress’ top auditor said Tuesday that the Commerce Department has been charging other government agencies millions of dollars for reports that the other agencies could just as easily have gotten online, for free.

IRS to taxpayers: We don’t need a warrant for email snooping, GPS tracking

IRS attorneys have asserted in internal documents that the Fourth Amendment does not protect email and that a warrant is not needed to plant a GPS location tracker on a car in its owner’s driveway.

Study: Limiting soda size causes people to buy more

A recent study by a group of researchers at the University of California at San Diego may blow a hole right through New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s theory on soda contributing to obesity.

Bulls-eye: Colorado 2nd Amendment supporters dare gun control crowd to post sign at homes, offices

DENVER — The Pueblo County Republican Party is offering firearms foes an opportunity to advertise their gun-free status for all to see.

The party is selling “Gun Free Zone” signs suitable for display outside of homes and offices for $10 each. The party is also offering signs to gun rights advocates that read, “Not a Gun Free Zone.”

Sobering budget: Obama calls for tax hikes on vodka, golf and cigarettes

President Obama’s budget doesn’t just go after wealthy Americans. It’s also got new taxes on vodka, cigarettes and other unexpected items, ABC News reported.

The fiscal 2014 spending plan, which looks to raise about $1.8 trillion in new revenue, also tackles golf courses, which can no longer be counted as partial tax write-offs, according to ABC.

Jay-Z raps: White House cleared Cuba trip with Beyonce

Although the White House said it wasn’t involved, rapper Jay-Z boasts in a new song Thursday that he got “White House clearance” for his recent trip to Cuba with wife Beyonce.

Kerry scolds North Korea, shoots down reports of nuclear breakthrough

SEOUL — Secretary of State John F. Kerry strongly admonished North Korea on Friday for threatening to attack U.S. allies and interests, but also downplayed reports that Pyongyang has developed a nuclear weapon small enough to fit on the head of a ballistic missile.

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