- Sunday, October 7, 2012


Joe Biden’s done it again.

He inadvertently said exactly what was rattling around in his old head, which is the cardinal sin of any politician and particularly egregious when your mind contains the peculiar thoughts of Vice President Joseph R. Biden and President Obama.

Musing about the Republican attack that Team O’Biden wants to raise your taxes by $1 trillion, Mr. Biden took a starkly different tack from his boss. Mr. Obama has made strenuous efforts to paint the claim as an outright, slanderous canard. Remember how they ran their 2008 campaign on the promise of tax cuts? And they are still promising to cut taxes.

But in just three words — a record low for the loquacious veep — Mr. Biden undid all of Mr. Obama’s protests.

“Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by $1 trillion,” he growled in a mock accusatory Republican voice.

“Guess what?” he said, returning to his own voice and leaning over the podium for dramatic effect. “Yes, we do!”

Instant Biden classic!

Mr. Obama gave us “You didn’t build that,” which is hard to beat since it is such a complete synopsis of Mr. Obama’s loathsome disregard for private American enterprise.

“Yes, we do!” should become a shuddering reminder of exactly what these guys aim to do to taxpayers if they get another shot at us.

If you think they ran roughshod over the Constitution in their first term, if you think they squandered your money in their first term, just imagine what they will do in their second term once they will never again be answerable to voters.

“More flexibility,” I think Mr. Obama described it a few months back in whispered voice to the Russians.

This ticket has become so sinister and gloomy and divisive and deceptive, it is hard to even remember Mr. Obama’s last campaign. That one was so hopeful and bright and unifying.

Today, with $16 trillion in debt, real unemployment hovering north of 10 percent and welfare rolls exploding, we are seeing an entirely different campaign. It is one that is entirely devoid of hope and optimism.

“You didn’t build that.” And, “Yes, we do.” Yes, we do want to take another trillion dollars out of the economy and sink it into a sprawling, wasteful government. Yes, we do want to keep on spending money we do not have. And yes, we do want to keep enrolling people onto every form of welfare imaginable.

No wonder so many voters today fear that another four years of this crowd will completely destroy America.

Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com.

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