Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Four years ago, President Obama promised the American people he was going to turn this country around. He was going to create more jobs, make sure health insurance would be not only available, but also affordable, and that our education system would improve so that no child would be left behind.

Here we are, four years later, and are we better off? No. Jobs are still scarce despite what the polls report about the unemployment rate dropping. The president should visit some of our unemployment offices — the people there are not hanging out because they have nothing else to do. Also, he should check out our colleges and see how tuition has skyrocketed. A lot of people across the country are selling their homes because the American dream is turning into a nightmare.

Mr. Obama said the American people are a proud people and that this is a great country. That’s about the only thing I agree with him on. We are sick of all the baloney he and his administration have been getting away with for the past four years. It’s time we took back our country and let Mr. Obama and his administration know they are our employees, not the other way around.

Let’s give Mitt Romney our votes. I consider my vote to be very precious and I want to entrust it to Mr. Romney. I think he deserves our support and I believe he can turn this country around to bring better days.

Also, I wish a lot of the media would be a more supportive of Mr. Romney instead of being so negative. It seems to me that no matter what he says or does, the media tears him apart. Some of the media come across like campaign managers, instead of reporters.

In a few days, we will know which path we will be traveling — the path to poverty or the path to prosperity.


Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

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