- Monday, October 29, 2012

MIAMI — The 12-year-old daughter of Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, is out of the hospital and at home recovering from a head injury suffered in a golf cart accident.

Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said Amanda Rubio was released from Miami Children’s Hospital on Sunday evening.

She was airlifted to the hospital Saturday after the golf cart in which she was riding was involved in a collision in a private gated community in Florida.

Amanda is expected to make a full recovery.


Justices tackle case of copyright protection

Supreme Court justices on Monday weighed copyright protections for publishers, creative artists and manufacturers in a global marketplace in a case that has attracted the interest of Costco, eBay and Google. The outcome has important implications for consumers and billions of dollars in annual sales online and in discount stores.

The court was about the only Washington institution open Monday. The justices and spectators who braved the rain and wind saw a book publisher face off against a Thai graduate student in the United States who resold the publisher’s copyrighted books on eBay after relatives first bought nearly identical, cheaper versions abroad.

The court seemed to struggle with whether it matters where the books were produced and first sold.

The justices’ answer to those questions is of enormous interest to discount sellers like Costco Wholesale Corp. and online business like eBay Inc. and Google Inc. that offer good prices on many products that were made abroad.

Publisher John Wiley & Sons won a copyright-infringement lawsuit against the student, Supap Kirtsaeng. The high court is considering Mr. Kirtsaeng’s appeal, which argues that Wiley lost its right to control resale of the books once his relatives bought them legally.

Mr. Kirtsaeng used eBay to sell $900,000 worth of books published abroad by Wiley and others and made about $100,000 in profit. The international editions of the textbooks were essentially the same as the more costly American editions. A jury in New York awarded Wiley $600,000 after deciding Mr. Kirtsaeng sold copies of eight Wiley textbooks without permission.


McCaskill goes ’scary’ in race against Akin

ST. LOUIS — Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, on Monday launched a Halloween-week ad casting her Republican challenger Rep. W. Todd Akin as “scary” because of his remarks about “legitimate rape.” Mr. Akin, meanwhile, is gaining some outside help in his quest to oust Missouri’s senior senator.

Ms. McCaskill’s ad aired as Mr. Akin teamed up with Oklahoma Sen. James M. Inhofe for a series of campaign events in the St. Louis area. Mr. Inhofe was attending an energy round-table discussion and fundraiser, then touring an aerospace and defense firm with Mr. Akin. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr. Akin was to campaign in the Kansas City area with former House speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.

Ms. McCaskill’s latest ad begins with a woman proclaiming: “Todd Akin is scary.” The ad then features a video clip from mid-August in which Mr. Akin says women rarely get pregnant from rape. Mr. Akin is shown saying: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Another woman in the ad says: “He has no idea how it even works, and he wants to legislate about it?”

Mr. Akin has repeatedly apologized for his remark and said he was wrong, but the suburban St. Louis congressman has continued to campaign on his staunch opposition to abortion in all cases except when a woman’s life is endangered.


Obama shares music taste with Ohio radio station

President Obama’s iPod could pass for a voter-outreach tool.

Mr. Obama ran through his musical tastes Monday during an interview on Cincinnati radio station WIZF-FM. The list is eclectic and all-encompassing and reflects the varied coalition of voters he is seeking to attract.

Mr. Obama said old-school artists include Stevie Wonder, James Brown, the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. More recent tracks are from Jay-Z, Eminem and the Fugees. Jazz artists John Coltrane, Miles Davis and Gil Scott-Heron are also represented. Mr. Obama said there probably isn’t a group the interviewer plays that isn’t on the president’s iPod.

No mention of the Boss, Bruce Springsteen, who has been campaigning for Mr. Obama.

Or country music. Much of that vote tilts to the other guy.


PAC launches $180,000 attack against lawmaker

NASHVILLE — A national political action committee on Monday launched $180,000 worth of television ads against Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais, who is pro-life, for reports that he once urged a mistress to terminate a pregnancy.

“The bottom line is this: Scott DesJarlais shouldn’t be in Congress,” Alixandria Lapp, executive director of House Majority PAC, said in a statement to The Associated Press.

The House Majority PAC’s ads begin running Monday in the Nashville and Chattanooga markets, which reach population centers on both ends of the 4th Congressional District. The group associated with Democratic congressional leaders previously had spent $100,000 on ads in the race.

Mr. DesJarlais’ campaign platform includes his opposition to abortion rights. He has argued he was using strong language to try to pressure the woman, who was a patient of his medical practice, to admit she was not pregnant.

Democrat Eric Stewart raised twice as much cash as Mr. DesJarlais in the most recent reporting period. While the incumbent still held a 3-to-1 advantage in cash on hand, the House Majority PAC’s ad buy has nearly wiped out that difference.

Mr. DesJarlais’ polling has confirmed the negative ads appear to have solidified the Democratic base in the district, but the campaign claims they have had little effect on Republicans and independents.

The conversation between Mr. DesJarlais, a physician in Jasper, and the woman who also had been under his care took place while he was trying to reconcile with his first wife, Susan. The divorce was finalized in 2001.

From staff dispatches and wire reports

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