Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The choice between President Obama and Mitt Romney should be clear by now — and that choice is between a socialist and global apologist, and a genuine advocate of free enterprise and national sovereignty.

Mr. Obama hides his true intentions, while there is nothing hidden about Mr. Romney. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Romney is an honest, highly skilled, knowledgeable and decent man. His running mate, Paul Ryan, is of the same caliber. Can Mr. Obama be considered a decent, well-intentioned man? I don’t think so. His tactics appear corrupt and his intentions look anti-American. Mr. Obama is not comfortable with the idea of America that is true to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

The fundamental principles of the American ideal are individual liberty, God-given natural rights (not globalist “human” rights), limited government, protection of private property and the rule of law. Mr. Obama has hoodwinked many Americans into believing he has their best interests at heart but instead, we see a president cynically dividing Americans and buying votes.


Salt Lake City

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