- Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pollster John Zogby grades the president’s week and how its events affect his re-election chances.

Grade: C-

“President Obama came out swinging in the second debate with Gov. Mitt Romney, and a weekend Zogby Poll shows him winning.

“Voters said he looked more ’presidential’ than Mr. Romney by a margin of 48 percent to 37 percent — enough to give the president a lead of 3 percentage points nationwide among likely voters, 47 percent to 44 percent. He is now leading among independents and picking up a bigger share of 18- to 29-year-olds, the group he needs to put him over the top on Nov. 6.

“But his job performance rating is upside-down again, with 50 percent disapproving and only 43 percent say he deserves to be re-elected.

“We can add violence in Lebanon to the growing list of potentially explosive foreign crises.

“All four top candidates are near-permanent residents in Ohio, Virginia and Florida. Many Americans remain uncertain of their future. Just like the president — with only a little more than two weeks to go.”

Last week’s grade: C

Follow pollster John Zogby on Twitter (@thejohnzogby)

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