Friday, October 19, 2012

The Fort Hood murder case against Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is becoming a major embarrassment for the U.S. Army, as it cannot even bring one of its own officers to trial shaven in accordance with basic institutional regulations (“Fort Hood suspect Hasan’s beard case at appeals court,” Web, Oct. 11).

This could be solved very simply. The Army has Maj. Hasan interviewed by two psychologists — one of the Army’s choosing and one of Maj. Hasan’s. He’s forcibly shaven under Army regulations like any private would be. A simple judgment is reached that aiming a loaded pistol at more than 30 people and repeatedly pulling the trigger while watching those he has shot die in agony is evidence of a conscious thought process. Maj. Hasan is found guilty and dealt with to the full extent of the law.

Whether it’s political correctness run amok over Maj. Hasan’s religion or the Army importing the worst of California-style liberalism into its court system, this case is becoming an embarrassment. The Army needs to get serious.


West Jefferson, Ohio

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