Monday, October 15, 2012

The hoopla over the political conventions is over, the debates will soon end, and we are now just a few weeks away from making an epic decision regarding the direction of our country. If you do not know who you are voting for by now, you have either had your head in the sand or you simply do not care and will not be voting anyway. Just about everyone else has made up their minds and is ready to cast their votes. Still, you can be sure both parties will leave no stone unturned to find any truly undecided voters out there.

I predict President Obama will be unable to recapture the enthusiasm he enjoyed in 2008. Those who are disappointed in his performance will likely not vote at all rather than vote for Mitt Romney. The president’s low approval rating has hurt him tremendously and many of his supporters are disillusioned. The thrill is gone — and many people will no longer be voting for Mr. Obama, regardless of the color of his skin.

Another variable is the rise and return of the “silent majority,” which has been quietly observing the president’s performance and simply does not like what it sees. There is perhaps no stronger evidence of this than Wisconsin’s recall election earlier this year that failed to oust Gov. Scott Walker despite a loud and boisterous campaign coordinated by unions and the political left. If the silent majority believes in Mr. Romney’s message, it will understandably abandon the president. More than any other group, it will decide the outcome of the November elections.


Palm Harbor, Fla.

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