Wednesday, October 10, 2012

As a former Obama supporter, musician Kid Rock recently did something very courageous. In front of a hometown Michigan crowd, he disavowed his support for President Obama, saying that he was sorry that the president “didn’t do a better job” (“Kid Rock: Rocker helps VP hopeful Ryan, risks irking fans,” Web, Tuesday). Then he proudly introduced vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan.

Although I have heard worse in my day, I am by no means a fan of Kid Rock’s music. But I can’t help but respect him for his honesty and guts to “take a stand for something” even though that stand may alienate part of his fan base. For that, I admire him as a man.

My question is, does Bruce Springsteen, my personal lifelong favorite musician and an ardent 2008 Obama supporter, have this gutsy quality in him as well? For unknown reasons, Mr. Springsteen, who was once a very vocal Obama supporter, has gone totally mute on his enthusiasm for the president. As someone who endured Mr. Springsteen’s one-way, on-stage lectures during the last presidential cycle, I’d like to know why he apparently doesn’t support the president anymore.

If I am right, would it be asking too much for him to publicly support the Romney-Ryan ticket as Kid Rock courageously has?


Medford, N.Y.

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