Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The editorial team at the Washington Post implied this week that the criticism of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice is racist. After all, the writer argued, most of the people criticizing Mrs. Rice have low levels of melanin pigment molecules in their skin cells and many of them are leaders from states that 160 years ago flew the flag of the Confederacy. Apparently, this is what goes for elevated discourse today.

Actually, this is leftist propaganda spreading its toxic ideology through our institutions. Its bias is at its core Marxism, seeing life through the lens of race, class and sex. This perspective confronts the political right, which views life through a lens of right and wrong, good or bad.

Mrs. Rice explained to the American public for days that the attacks in Benghazi were due to an anti-Muslim video that almost no one saw. It was not the truth. Her actions as a leader were deceptive and wrong. In truth, radical Islamists invaded our weakly defended American soil in Libya and murdered our officials. Strong criticism of Mrs. Rice’s spin was proper and right.

Similarly, when then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice received scathing criticism from the white Sen. Edward Kennedy, who abandoned a dying woman in a river decades ago, and Sen. Robert Byrd, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, there were no shouts from the conservative right about racism and sexism. There were no shouts because conservatives do not view the world that way.


Chevy Chase, Md.

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