Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Elections have consequences. We are just starting to realize the effects as the iconic American company Hostess closes its 33 bakeries, 565 distribution centers and 570 bakery outlet stores throughout the United States, declares bankruptcy and prepares to lay off 18,500 employees (“A last-minute reprieve for Twinkies?” Web, Monday). Union thugs must be thrilled they got their way and put that “greedy” American corporation out of business.

Instead of accepting an 8 percent decrease in pay and a little more contribution toward their benefits package, the union members chose instead to strike, bankrupting the company. So now they will likely get zero pay instead of 92 percent and no benefits. All over America, many other companies are scaling back their worker numbers or going out of business because of the Obamacare mandate, burdensome regulations and higher taxes on small business.

Therefore, it makes sense to me that those who voted for President Obama should be the first to be let go, since they rejected pro-growth moves and prosperity by voting for four more years of the same — economic decline, debt and bloated government. Employers can easily identify them in the company parking lot by the Obama bumper stickers on their cars.


Berwyn Heights, Md.

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