Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I’m not surprised that President Obama was re-elected, even in light of a substantially higher unemployment rate than when he was first elected in 2008. None of his failures seem to matter — the Benghazi cover-up, the Fast and Furious debacle, the passage of socialized health care (which has failed in every other country where it has been implemented), an additional $6 trillion of debt, food-stamp usage at record-breaking levels and welfare use continuing to rise.

This election outcome speaks volumes about America’s spiritual condition. I understand why other countries are sending missionaries to this country. It’s a prime missionary field despite America having a plethora of Christian radio and television programs and a multitude of churches throughout its towns and cities. As one ponders these developments, one must consider what’s wrong with this picture.

America is in dire straits, and many refuse to realize the magnitude of its vulnerability. The United States continues its abhorrent abortion policy, celebration of homosexuality, rampant immorality, marital affairs, easy divorces, the implosion of whole families, rampant pornography, elevated murder and violent crime rates, massive deficits, unfathomable debt and a weak, increasingly apostate Church.

America is living on borrowed time, and many will come to realize that, much to their chagrin, Barack Obama was never their savior.


Anderson, Ind.

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