Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A truism is that under stress and in difficult times you can test the true mettle of a man. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie proved this point in spades recently when he betrayed his party and undermined Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney with a phony embrace of President Obama while surveying the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy (“Excommunicating Christie,” Comment & Analysis, Thursday).

The leading Republican In Name Only showed what most already knew: He is a self-interested moderate with a trail of chaotic, left-leaning decisions.

Yes, he took on the teachers union in his already morally and financially bankrupt state, but that was the easy and logical part — the rest of him is pure blue. Mr. Christie’s embrace of Mr. Obama and his indifference to the potential national implications of this showed only disregard for principal and a narrow-minded jealousy, which suits his obvious obsession with his rejection as a running mate for Mr. Romney. The rumors about why he was passed over range from local dirt during his time as state attorney general to his physical limitations and unhealthy physical condition. Yet in a show of simultaneous vanity and personal resentment for his obvious disorders, he took this out on the entire GOP.

Real virtue in matters of state and nation is demonstrated by one’s willingness to take one for the good of the team. In this case, under the microscope, Mr. Christie failed the test and simply confirmed he was never up to the role he so zealously sought while denying it.

The party may be in the wilderness, but Mr. Christie is even further afield, an Iscariot in our time.



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