Thursday, November 1, 2012

Maybe you are having a difficult time understanding GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney’s surge in the presidential polls (“Sandy’s passed, Benghazi storm intensifies,” Commentary, Thursday). It’s just an evolution of perception.

For months, most voters perceived Mr. Romney only through the prism of Democratic campaign ads. He was seen as a cold-hearted rich guy with no understanding of the middle class. He was accused of being a tax cheat, an unscrupulous businessman and a person only interested in protecting rich folks.

Then, during the Republican National Convention and three presidential debates, voters saw Mr. Romney unfiltered by media bias and reality set in. He looked presidential, he knew what he was talking about, and he had a plan to fix the country. He became not only acceptable, but a viable candidate.

Conversely, in 2008 the perception was that then-Sen. Barack Obama, Illinois Democrat, was a gift from God. He was the answer to every problem facing America. He spoke of hope and change, and some fainted from exhilaration while others got a thrill up their legs. This image of the great healer is long gone now and it has no hope of return.

These days, instead of hope and change, we are offered excuses, deception and distraction. The reality of President Obama’s failures can no longer be hidden. This change of perception has made the presidential race a real contest.


Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

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