- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When it comes to same-sex “marriage,” President Obama is a commitment-phobe. He keeps putting his political partners off by saying his position is “evolving.” He should just come out and take the plunge.

Adopting an evolving position is a classic political dodge, allowing Mr. Obama to claim to be sympathetic to the concerns of homosexual activists while not offending traditionalists. His stance is calculated to grab centrists whose votes he needs in November. It gives him wiggle room with leftists who are curious why he won’t be more explicit. But when Mr. Obama says he is evolving, he does so with a wink. His liberal supporters know where he really stands. It’s in his genes.

Politicians can’t hide the truth forever. This week, Vice President Joe Biden said he is “absolutely comfortable” with the idea of same-sex “marriage,” and Education Secretary Arne Duncan also voiced his support. The White House, however, wants to avoid taking a firm position in an election year.

The situation in North Carolina illustrates the Obama campaign’s dilemma. Mr. Obama needs to win the Tar Heel State to retain control of the White House. It’s so important to Democratic strategy that it was chosen as the site for the party’s national convention. Same-sex “marriage” is against state law, and a state constitutional amendment banning the practice passed by a landslide in Tuesday’s vote. This is why Mr. Obama would rather skirt the issue in the swing states, but the current controversy is dragging it out of the closet.

The expression “evolving position” is traditionally used to soften the blow when a politician is flip-flopping, but it raises questions the president needs to answer. If Mr. Obama is evolving, where did he start? Where is he now? Where is he going? When did he first realize he was evolving? Has he taken any actions based on his changing preferences? When will he come out with his “fully evolved” position? Is he exploring his options?

On Monday, political adviser David Axelrod said there was no daylight between Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama. He shakily asserted that the president “believes that couples, heterosexual couples - gay couples should - should have - have the same legal rights.” Yet when asked for an official statement, a flustered White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responded, “I think when people have asked him that and he has no update to give them or no change in his views to put forward that he’s simply saying that, I have nothing new for you on that; his position is what it was. And that’s - and that’s with regards to his personal views … his views are crystal clear.”

Even the usually unflappable White House press corps had to laugh at Mr. Carney’s stammering. Mr. Obama is clearly in a public state of denial. Everyone knows where he really comes down on the issue. He should just man-up and admit it.

The Washington Times

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