Tuesday, March 13, 2012

At a recent Manhattan fundraiser and press conference, President Obama expressed pride in the many policy choices he has made for the American people and our military.

He could not be prouder of his refusal to help the people of Syria with supplies, weapons and airstrikes, his apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the accidental Koran burning, his overthrow of leaders who cooperated with us in Egypt, Libya and Yemen and turning these countries over to the Muslim Brotherhood. He could also not be prouder of his denial of our victory in Iraq to our troops or the vacuum he created by having them retreat without leaving a residual force.

Also among his self-proclaimed victories: his appeasement of Iranian nuclear weapons development and refusal to support Israel against Iran, his denial to our country of the use of our great wealth of fossil fuels and the Keystone XL pipeline, the $825 billion failed stimulus bill that did not create the promised 3.5 million jobs, our downgraded national credit rating caused by fiscal mismanagement (which created a $15.5 trillion national debt), Obamacare, the biggest tax increase ever on the middle class and the destruction of America’s housing market. There are many more.

The choices made by the president with the support of many Democratic leaders have been trumpeted, embellished and sometimes falsified to the American people by the liberal media, which have acted as a Democratic super PAC. With seemingly unlimited funds and endless expenditures, the press with many subordinate outlets have often published lies, half-truths and attack slogans in support of the party line. The president’s choices, with much support from the vast liberal academia, are not helping our military and the American people to defend our country, society or Constitution. In my opinion, the shining “city upon a hill” built by far better men than those who now try to destroy it is now being dragged down into neo-Leninism, quasi-European socialism and maybe worse.

It is a preposterous idea to think that the president has special wisdom for making choices for America. In fact, many of the president’s choices have been anti-military, anti-religious, anti-Constitution and anti-American.


U.S. Marines (retired)


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