- Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Really, Mr. President? Are you and your campaign team that pompous, arrogant and cash-strapped that you have sunk so low as to create a registry where die-hard Democrats getting married or celebrating an anniversary can request that family and friends make donations to your campaign in lieu of gifts? One would think the master of class warfare would at least know what class meant.

What’s next, Mr. Obama, asking funeral mourners to send donations to your campaign instead of the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society or other worthwhile charity?

As a professional community organizer scam artist, the president surely knows a thing or two about bilking others out of their cash, though he knows nothing about how money is actually earned.

If the registry caper doesn’t cause cash to pour in, the Democratic Party could always send Jesse Jackson to shake down a business or two by claiming they’re racist. Al-Not-So-Sharpton could show up with a bullhorn and arrange some marches and protests in support of Mr. Jackson’s shakedown. That’s the teamwork we expect from the Chicago gangsters.

While this shakedown scheme could be a veritable cash cow for the Democrats, there is also risk. The standard racist extortion ruse could backfire and force the president to have a beer in the White House’s Rose Garden with the slandered and maligned business owners. You may not want to go there again, Mr. Obama.

Jackson shakedown scam or not, the president’s cash machine could auction off a dinner with the president for a couple of bucks. Never mind - that’s been done.

There is always gold in the Hollywood Hills for the president to mine again and again as he needs it.

The movie star A-list is further politically left than Fidel Castro, and the thought of Mitt Romney winning the White House will cause glitzy movie stars to raise stacks and stacks of cash for Mr. Obama while promising to leave America for a bankrupt, socialist country if Mr. Romney is elected president.

The Occupy hippies could be requested to send in a portion of their unemployment checks or other government assistance to the Obama campaign. For donations of $100 or more, the Democratic Party could send the Occupy idiots a gold-painted brick to toss through the window of a Wall Street bank or other greedy, imperialistic American business (not Apple stores, though - even Occupy hippies need iPods and smartphones).

Last but not least, the endangered species labor unions could be asked to siphon off even more of the mandatory union dues from rank-and-file members to the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, many members now recognize that the labor movement’s practices for the past 50 years are some of the main reasons why many of them have seen their jobs disappear faster than you can repeat, “Say, it ain’t so, Joe Biden.”

Creating a wedding registry is scraping the bottom of the barrel even for this administration, and it knows a thing or two about the bottom of the barrel: That’s where you can find Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

Ted Nugent is an American rock ’n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ’N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing).

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