Monday, June 18, 2012

Even when it comes to the nation’s sagging economy, never let it be said that President Obama misses an opportunity to feather his own nest. I am talking about Mr. Obama’s recent proposal for yet another economic stimulus package that would send money to state and local governments for hiring more teachers, firefighters and police officers.

The self-evident problem with this proposal is that there is no nationwide shortage for these public-sector jobs. As a result, hiring people to fill the few jobs that are available would have no measurable impact on the nation’s high unemployment rate. Mr. Obama is smart enough to know this. So just what is behind Mr. Obama’s latest stimulus proposal for hiring more teachers, firefighters and cops?

If you haven’t guessed it, the answer lies in the fact that the vast majority of these professionals in the public sector are union members. Hence, Mr. Obama’s current economic stimulus proposal is simply a rerun of his devious money-laundering scheme used in his earlier $831 billion stimulus package to bring more donations into his presidential campaign.

Here’s how it works: Use taxpayer money to bolster the ranks of unionized teachers, firefighters and cops to increase the dues flowing to their respective unions. The unions, in turn, will have more cash to send to Mr. Obama’s presidential campaign.

So when it comes to Mr. Obama’s current economic stimulus proposal, one must ask: Is the president thinking about the nation’s economy or is he just thinking about himself? You tell me.



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