- Associated Press - Sunday, June 17, 2012

President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin will use their meeting Monday, the first since Mr. Putin returned to Russia’s top job, to claim leverage in a mutually dependent but volatile relationship.

Mr. Obama needs Russia to help, or at least not hurt, U.S. foreign policy aims in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Mr. Putin needs the United States as a foil for his argument that Russia doesn’t get its due as a great power.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin are set to meet on the sidelines of the Group of 20 economic gathering in Mexico that will otherwise focus largely on the European economic crisis. Greece’s fate as part of the eurozone may be sealed as Mr. Obama and other world leaders meet, and the gathering is a natural forum for sideline discussions of the urgent crisis in Syria as well as diplomatic efforts to head off a confrontation with Iran.

Russia is a linchpin in several U.S. foreign policy goals. Chief among them are the international effort to deny Iran a nuclear weapon and a smooth shutdown of the Afghanistan War. Brutal attacks on anti-government protesters in Syria and the threat of civil war in the Mideast nation pose the most immediate crisis. In the longer term, Mr. Obama wants Russia’s continued cooperation in nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation.

Russia’s membership in numerous world bodies and its veto power at the U.N. Security Council give it leverage beyond its economic or military power.

Mr. Obama holds far greater power and both leaders know it. But Mr. Putin can be a spoiler and irritant to the administration.

Things got off to a rocky start this spring when Mr. Obama pointedly withheld a customary congratulatory phone call to Mr. Putin until days after his election. Mr. Putin appeared to snub Mr. Obama by skipping the smaller and weightier Group of Eight meeting that Mr. Obama hosted last month at Camp David.

“Putin is in a petulant sort of mood,” said Russia scholar Mark N. Katz of George Mason University. “He’s got all these grievances about American foreign policy and he’s looking for us to satisfy him, and I don’t think we’re going to do that. No amount of bonhomie or talking nicely is going to fix that.”

Mr. Obama made a special project of Russia in his first term and arguably needs Moscow’s help even more if he wins a second one. He is trying to avoid a distracting public spat with Russia during this election year, as suggested by an overheard remark to outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in March. Mr. Obama told Mr. Medvedev he would have more flexibility to answer Russian complaints about a U.S.-built missile defense shield in Europe after the November election.

For all of Mr. Obama’s talk of resetting the relationship with Russia, it remains a wary standoff. That’s apparently just the way Mr. Putin prefers it.

Mr. Putin’s campaign included some of the strongest anti-American rhetoric from Moscow in a decade, and he openly accused Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of inciting protests against him.

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