Friday, June 15, 2012

President Obama is a card-carrying, unapologetic and vociferous liberal of the social-justice type. True to this canon, he is - in his own mind and in the minds of the progressive peloton riding shotgun for him - blameless when things go awry. The canon is never faulty.If Mr. Obama’s signature achievements are unpopular with the American people, it is because of administrative error, insufficient funding, the ever-present George W. Bush curse, global warming, gremlins or the like.

While there are many things amiss in Mr. Obama’s mythological campaign-trail rendition of present-day America, it will be a challenge for likely GOP challenger Mitt Romney to focus attention on the deficiencies in a way that is easily understood by the average voter. Mr. Romney lacks the breezy personality of the incumbent and often appears uneasy before a crowd. He must hone his message to a fine edge and deliver it relentlessly from coast to coast with good humor and a wide smile.



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