Monday, June 11, 2012

Last week’s release of the movie “For Greater Glory” and the endorsement of the movie by prominent Catholic bishops, who see the movie as a parable of the need to protect religious freedom, has some asking, “When so much is wrong in the world, why has the Catholic Church chosen now to fight against birth control and homosexual marriage?”

Actually a better question would be, “When so much is wrong with the world, why have the Obama administration and progressive Democrats chosen now to assault the conscience rights of charitable religious organizations that do so much good?”

The First Amendment’s guarantee of the “free exercise” of religion extends beyond the doors of houses of worship and allows people of faith to exercise their religious beliefs in the administration of charity and in the public square. Churches are right to battle President Obama’s push to narrowly define religious organizations in the health care mandate.

Similarly, churches in Massachusetts have already the seen the impact of homosexual “marriage” legislation on Christian charities that offer adoption services. Forced by the state to violate their consciences, these organizations had to close their doors because they could not accept the state’s definition of morally acceptable unions.

The state has no place dictating the moral beliefs of its citizens. Assaults on these rights at any time are unacceptable, but one must ask why the administration has chosen now, when so many need help, to try to strip religious charities of their constitutional rights.



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