Friday, July 6, 2012

While domestic issues have been taking center stage with immigration, Operation Fast and Furious and health care reform, the Arab Spring and Islamic maneuvering are reaching a background crescendo that will have far-reaching effects on America’s foreign standing and policies.

Increasing Syrian troubles, both internally and externally, are moving in tandem with the Iranian nuclear program and Tehran’s saber-rattling at the United States. This threatens even more peril in the Gulf region.

The question now is whether America can juggle all of these problems successfully in an election year while its commander in chief and leader is busy campaigning. Realistically, it raises major doubts. Yet these matters are too important to mess up.

With respect to the Iranian crisis, America may not be in charge to the degree the Obama administration thinks it is. The situation may get away from the United States as Israel’s patience wanes. In Syria, America may find itself again part of a NATO solution as Turkey’s nerves wear thin over its confrontation with Syria. The situation in Egypt involving the Muslim Brotherhood is more than the Obama administration bargained on, as the Muslim Brotherhood undercuts democracy and Israeli and American interests in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood has one central mission in the Greater Middle East, which is to establish an Islamist theocracy. Meanwhile, another arm of the movement cozies up to the Obama administration in the United States, a treacherous ploy President Obama does not seem to understand.

These matters are too important to miss. America must get these things right and must do so without missing a beat.


North Las Vegas, Nev.

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