- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 5, 2012


Once again, it’s time to check off some items on my “TIDU List” — Things I Don’t Understand:

• Why Stephen Strasburg’s innings limit is deemed controversial.

The Nationals are following sound medical advice and a blueprint that’s working well for Jordan Zimmermann. Basing a decision on the playoff race in September would epitomize short-sightedness. After Friday’s game against Colorado, Strasburg should make roughly 10 more starts and be done, period.

The risk of long-term consequences isn’t worth the reward of short-term celebrations.

• How Dwight Howard could ruin his image much worse.

Orlando’s center was among the NBA’s most popular stars. With an electric smile and fun personality, he was a loveable giant, a certified “good guy.” But indecisiveness followed by trade ultimatums have made Howard a national ’Dwightmare.’

He’s gone from being the face of the NBA to a lower body part on the other side.

• How Bryce Harper could’ve won the Final Vote balloting.

First he had to beat sentimental favorite Chipper Jones, eliminated from competition by a roster move. Then Harper had to beat another heartstring-tugging story, World Series MVP David Freese, longing to play for Tony La Russa one more time. That doubled the motivation for baseball-obsessed St. Louis.

Overcoming that stacked deck would’ve been Harper’s most phenomenal feat yet.

• Why Tiger Woods questions the doubts that surfaced.

He took pleasure this week in criticizing those who wondered if he’d ever win again. Now that he’s won three of his past seven starts - after failing to win for 932 days - the skepticism seems silly. “It was just a matter of time,” Woods said.

Too bad we can’t be that certain about him winning another four majors.

• How Maryland could avoid cutting seven sports.

It’s no surprise that seven sports on Maryland’s chopping block didn’t survive. At least men’s outdoor track was spared and all other scholarships and contacts will be honored. But the pain is no less. Athletic director Kevin Anderson said it was “one of the most difficult things I’ve ever experienced. … It’s a sad day.”

Mourn the Turtle.

• How NFL players complain about Roger Goodell’s power.

In “Bounty-gate,” the commissioner denied the appeals heard by the commissioner and he upheld the penalties issued by the commissioner. But here’s the kicker: The players union that OK’d the arrangement said it’s disappointed in the arrangement that the players union OK’d.

Confused? That must’ve been the players’ state when they agreed to the deal.

• Why Bradley Beal can’t become the Wizards’ Ray Allen.

Yes, Beal could flop like Adam Morrison, an all-time bust as a No. 3 pick. But Charlotte took Morrison six years ago and passed on Beal last week. That bodes well for Washington, which can use some good luck based on its draft history.

Allen is a stretch, but Wizards fans are hopeless if they can’t dream.

• How U.S. track officials sleep at night.

Unknown sprinter Jeneba Tarmoh beat superstar Allyson Felix by one-thousandth of a second to make the 100-meters team, but officials later called it a tie based on … wait for it … visual evidence! They concocted a tie-breaking system, but Tarmoh bowed out. “I almost feel like I was kind of robbed,” she said.

NBC and Nike were accomplices.

• How the U.S. men’s hoops team can stay pat.

Howard, Derrick Rose and Chris Bosh are out. Ditto Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and Chauncey Billups. The first practice is Friday and more bodies would be nice, but might not be coming. “We have to play with the cards that are dealt,” USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo said.

That’s like sticking on 16, but I still like our chances.

• Why Fred Davis didn’t hire a real attorney.

The Redskins tight end and a female plaintiff are representing themselves, providing more laughs than most sitcoms. “It’s just all made up and flagellant,” Davis told the judge in April, according to the Washingtonian. In February, he testified “… after that I grabbed the juice and I poured it on you.”

Davis should fire himself and quit firing up.

• Deron Snyder can be reached at deronsnyder@gmail.com.

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