Tuesday, July 3, 2012

In the past, I have admired Chief Justice John Roberts’ education, intellect and conservative stances. Therefore, I thought there was no way Obamacare would stand (“Chief Justice John Roberts gives Obama and Democrats a Trojan Horse,” Web, Communities, Friday).

Forcing me to purchase something I don’t want is not government’s role, although I can see it requiring automobile insurance and other such things. Health insurance is different. The condition of my health has no direct effect on others as my having an auto accident would.

This is what bothers me about the decision: Justice Roberts turned a non-tax issue into a tax issue. From what I understand, all parties concerned, including the Supreme Court and President Obama, had decided that the penalty was not a tax. Yet the chief justice made it one by judicial fiat. In order to do so, he left the boat for a political agenda. One might say he reached leftward to rescue a discarded derelict.

Why? I can think of three potential reasons: First, he has gone over hook, line,and sinker to the dark side. Second, unsavory characters visited him in the dark of night and frightened him into the decision. Third, he suffers from early-onset dementia. As I see it, Justice Roberts has but two honorable options at this point. He can revisit the case or resign from the court.

He has handed Congress unlimited power. He may think his decision applies to no other case, but that won’t stop Congress. He has set a precedent, and Congress will avail itself of it with vigor.


Knoxville, Tenn.

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