Monday, July 16, 2012

If there had been any doubt that a gaping divide separates Americans on racial and partisan grounds, it was dispelled last week through the actions of undignified, classless individuals at the NAACP convention in Houston (“NAACP is hard sell for Romney,” Web, Wednesday).

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was damned if he did, damned if he didn’t. Had he chosen not to attend this gathering, he would have been attacked as being insensitive to the minority community and out of touch with its needs. Mr. Romney did the courageous thing, attending and speaking at the convention, only to be subjected to boos, taunts and catcalls when he spoke — proving again the adage that no good deed goes unpunished.

The message from the once-great, once-valuable and honorable NAACP is clear. It is, “We look at every issue through a single lens. Do not try to reason with us. We want nothing to do with wealthy white Republicans. Whether you stay away or come here to address us, we will not accept anything you have to say. We condemn you.”

It is ironic that the organization, which in its early years did so much to break the color barrier, is working to build new walls between the races.


Upper Saint Clair, Pa.

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