Monday, January 9, 2012

Why does the Republican Party continue to shoot itself in the foot (“The Republican bloodbath,” Commentary, Friday)? This election is ours to win - or lose.

Where is the notion that any of the Republican presidential contenders “would be better than Obama”? No one wants to see the candidates tarnish themselves by trying to ruin the reputations of their opponents except, of course, Democrats. Like a bad dream, these attacks will come back to haunt them when the political left and the mainstream media use the statements to demonize the eventual Republican nominee.

There is also the prospect that disparaged, disgruntled candidates such as Ron Paul or Donald Trump may make a third-party run, essentially assuring President Obama’s re-election.

My advice to the Republican candidates is this: look presidential. Obey Ronald Reagan’s “Eleventh Commandment”: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” Second, keep your attacks focused on hammering our collective opponent, Mr. Obama.

Do not burn bridges with your Republican opponents. You will need them later to support you, perhaps even as your vice president or to fill your Cabinet.

Espouse popular ideas by sticking to the issues voters care about, including the flat tax, the repeal of Obamacare, cutting regulations and government, reducing entitlements, and lowering the debt.

I agree with columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner: If we are not victorious in November, “America is doomed.”


Berwyn Heights

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