- The Washington Times - Friday, January 6, 2012

Conservative activist Bay Buchanan endorsed Mitt Romney’s presidential bid Friday, saying that the former Massachusetts governor is the kind of person that voters can trust in the White House.

“If Americans want a real conservative in the White House, they need to look no further than Mitt Romney,” Ms. Buchanan said, lending her support to the Republican candidate for the second time in as many presidential campaigns.

The endorsement follows Mr. Romney’s razor-thin victory over former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum in the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday and comes as he prepares for the nation’s first primary in New Hampshire, where he has won the support of powerful state leaders and held a big lead in the polls for months.

Ms. Buchanan served as Treasurer during the Reagan administration. Since then she and former Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo have co-chaired Team America PAC, a group dedicated to securing the nation’s borders — making her a stamp of approval in some conservative camps on the issue of immigration.

Ms. Buchanan also oversaw the presidential bid of Mr. Tancredo in 2007 before supporting Mr. Romney, who lost the nomination to Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

“These few years of President Obama’s failed leadership have weakened our country across the board,” Ms. Buchanan said. “We need a president who will immediately reverse Obamacare, stop Washington’s out-of-control spending and finally secure our borders. Mitt Romney is the man who will actually get these things done. America simply can’t take another four years of Barack Obama.”

The endorsement coincides with an uptick in criticism from three of Mr. Romney’s top rival candidates — Mr. Santorum, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — all of whom have charged in a series of comments and campaign ads that he is an unreliable conservative.

• Seth McLaughlin can be reached at smclaughlin@washingtontimes.com.

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