Monday, January 30, 2012

I consider myself to be a true conservative. I love this country and believe the Constitution was written by men who were inspired by God. I am an economic and social conservative and I practice those principles in my personal life.

I am saddened by what is happening to this country on every level. When I cast my ballot in November, I will vote for the person I think best represents my values, both economically and socially. Therefore, if it comes down to Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama in the final election, I will write in a candidate. I cannot, under any circumstances, vote for Mr. Gingrich.

The economy and the Constitution are not the only things under attack in our country. The basic, fundamental unit of society, the family, is also under siege. How can Mr. Gingrich champion family values when he has disregarded those values throughout his life? As I listen to comments made by pundits and people calling in to talk shows, I am amazed at how little moral values have come to mean in our society. But character does matter.

We on the right get bent out of shape about the obvious double standards and hypocrisy of the political left. Yet we refuse to acknowledge our own hypocrisy and religious bigotry. Just because there is a double standard on the left does not mean there should be no standards at all. If conservatives don’t set the bar high, who will?

Thus, if Mr. Gingrich wins the Republican nomination, I will be caught between a rock and a hard spot. We cannot endure another four years of President Obama, but I will not be able to bring myself to vote for Mr. Gingrich.

I’m praying that either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum gets the nomination. In a tight spot, I could even go for Ron Paul, but never Mr. Gingrich.



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