Thursday, January 26, 2012

I have watched and listened to numerous “media experts” on TV say former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is unelectable as president of the United States. I’m an Independent and I see how both the Republicans and Democrats are out to get Mr. Gingrich. For me, that’s a plus.

When Mr. Gingrich was speaker and the leader of the “Contract With America,” he arm-twisted a lot of Republicans and Democrats to cut back on welfare. So he has a lot of revenge coming from both parties. In fact, some Republicans insist Mr. Gingrich’s reforms, which resulted in a balanced budget and a federal surplus, got President Clinton re-elected.

Sure, Mr. Gingrich, like most people, has made some mistakes in life and politics. But when weighed against President Obama in a comparison of political records and achievements, who is the better man? Who better than Mr. Gingrich, in fact, to counteract Mr. Obama’s class warfare and out-of-control national debt?

Mr. Obama is an excellent public speaker - until he is challenged by anyone who really knows where the bodies are buried in Washington, so to speak. Just last week in South Carolina, we witnessed Mr. Gingrich tackle the liberal media head-on - and the people voted overwhelmingly for him.

A fight is needed in 2012, and Mr. Gingrich may be the best one to wage it against Mr. Obama and his cohorts in the mainstream press.


Lock Haven, Pa.

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