Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In the recent presidential debates in New Hampshire, no comment received a more positive response that Newt Gingrich’s statement about the anti-Christian bigotry of the media.

The clip has played widely on YouTube. The sentiments were echoed by GOP contender Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum likely shares this view. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has made the Obama administration’s war on religion a central issue in his campaign.

You may be surprised that we in El Salvador are following the American election campaigns so closely, but when it comes to this war on religion so eloquently explained by the Republican candidates, we are on the front line. The Obama administration, through its Ambassador Mari Carmen Aponte, has been pushing “LGBT” (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) rights in our country, demeaning our culture and insulting our values. We do not appreciate the implication made by Mrs. Aponte that because we do not support the homosexual agenda, we are guilty of “homophobia,” “brutal hostility,” “hatred” or “prejudice.”

We support the legitimate human rights of all our citizens. We do not, however, support made-up “homosexual rights,” nor do we appreciate an ambassador from another country coming in and preaching to us. We intend to defend our moral values and preserve our families.

Mrs. Aponte was a recess appointment and therefore needs Senate confirmation in order to continue in her post. Our organizations and 18 others here in El Salvador humbly ask that the U.S. senators continue to refuse to confirm her, sending a strong message to the Obama administration to mind its own business.


President, Fundacion Si a la Vida


President, Fundacion EVA

San Salvador

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