Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I must express my frustration and despair over the deceit in this election year of the mainstream media, as well as the gullibility of the “moderate Republican” establishment.

Recent history, both in America and Europe, has made it abundantly clear that we need to completely change directions economically and make radical corrections to our deficit-spending habits to avoid a complete economic collapse.

The Republican Party may choose Mitt Romney to be the party nominee but as a voter, I will not vote for him. Instead, I will choose to vote for a third party or I will abstain from voting in this election altogether. For all the reasons President George W. Bush was the wrong pick, Mr. Romney would be worse.

Mr. Romney is not a true conservative, does not understand the necessity of a strong middle class and has already succumbed to the inevitability of an entitlement system by not offering to eliminate a single program and by enacting Romneycare. He may be electable as a Republican candidate but he cannot win a national election for president.

We need a strong leader with an appreciation of our American heritage rather than an apologetic attitude, someone with a fundamental knowledge of and commitment to our Constitution. We need an individual with a commitment to sound economic principles who would encourage entrepreneurship, strengthen the middle class, balance the budget and advocate a fair and balanced tax system. We need the enforcement of our immigration laws and a true vision of “right-sized” government.

President Reagan said he became a Republican because the Democratic Party left him. Republicans are doing the same thing now by backing Mr. Romney. The GOP and their candidates cannot win without their base. Republican leaders need to find and support a presidential candidate that unequivocally advocates the above attributes. If they do not, then we shall have another four years of President Obama. There’s an outcome Republicans should factor that into their definition of “electability.”


Littleton, Colo.

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