Monday, February 27, 2012

My family has been drinking raw milk for four years (“Feds shut down Amish farm for selling fresh milk,” Web, Feb. 13). We have been particularly healthy during this time and attribute our good health in large part to the raw milk.

My wife could not drink pasteurized milk, since she has long had a very bad physical reaction to it and would get sick when she drank it. But she thrives on raw milk. Raw is only part of the attraction for us, however. Equally important is being able to obtain milk from a farmer whose standards are very high and whose grass-fed herd is isolated and disease-, hormone- and antibiotic-free. I would not pay a premium for the Food and Drug Administration’s blessing, but I am well aware that the FDA does not approve of what I do pay a premium for.

If only the FDA’s and large milk producers’ standards were half as high as Dan Allgyer’s. Dan Allgyer is an Amish dairy farmer in Pennsylvania who is now closing down his farm because he finally found that the stress and danger to his family from the FDA’s constant harassment was too much.

The fact that a federal agency is having such a negative impact on our quality of life while using our own tax dollars is an outrage. Sadly, thanks to the FDA’s thuglike tactics and senseless laws favoring big milk producers, Dan Allgyer’s clean, valuable and much-loved farm is gone. The dead milk on grocery shelves is no substitute.

I hope to see a series of articles on the benefits of raw milk that comes from grass-fed cows and the horrible injustice of the FDA forcing Dan Allgyer out of business. We are so very saddened and frustrated by this loss.


Silver Spring

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