- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 23, 2012


The mainstream media is bored with Republican presidential discourse and already has declared that CNN’s big debate on Wednesday was the “last one.” It was not. The final sanctioned debate in Portland, Ore., on March 19 is still on, this one sponsored by The Washington Times, Oregon Public Broadcasting, National Public Radio and the Oregon Republican Party. None of the presidential hopefuls have revealed if they’ll attend. Yet. Then again, none have said “No, now go away,” either. This debate is still an opportunity for each to distinguish his personal “brand” and ultimate takeaway message; it is also a strategic decision likely to be made after Super Tuesday on March 6, insiders say.


One in five Americans now has a tattoo, and a vast majority — 86 percent — don’t regret getting some ink. They appear to attach little personal significance to their skin designs: vast majorities, in fact, scorn the idea that a tattoo makes them feel more athletic, intelligent, healthy, spiritual, strong, attractive, rebellious or sexy. Interestingly enough, more women have tattoos than men — 23 percent to 19 percent, respectively.

Is there a partisan difference here? Why, yes. A little. Among Republicans, 17 percent have a tattoo, among Democrats 22 percent, among independents, 21 percent. The nation also appears to be indifferent to permanent decoration. Three-fourths of the 2,000-plus respondents said a tattoo does not prompt “deviant” behavior. This is all according to Harris Polls; see the numbers here: www.harrisinteractive.com


Some Republicans dream that their favorite rogue candidate — let’s say New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush or Sarah Palin — suddenly emerges from the campaign murk to win the GOP presidential nomination at a brokered convention. This is a dream of the minority. Though they’re not keen on the existing field of candidates, most Republicans prefer that one of them secures enough delegates to pocket the nomination. Then it’s on to Tampa, Fla., and the luscious, giddy national convention that is now a mere 85 days away.

Gallup supplies the numbers: Two-thirds of Republicans want the nominee to be decided before the clan gathers in August; 29 percent disagree. The majority are still tepid with the choices: 55 percent wish someone other than Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich or Rep. Ron Paul was running. Forty-four percent are “pleased” with the selection.

“It is unlikely that one candidate will win enough primaries and caucuses between now and Super Tuesday to clinch the nomination, because of a reduction in the number of winner-take-all contests and because of the competitiveness of the campaign to date,” observes Gallup analyst Jeffrey Jones. “As a result, the 2012 nomination contest likely will be the longest for the GOP since the 1976 Gerald Ford-Ronald Reagan showdown.”

Is there a risk that the contentious campaign could damage the party in the eyes of America? Maybe not: 57 percent of Republicans say the extended campaign is not harming the party, 40 percent disagree.

“But the level of dissatisfaction is not so great that Republicans are hoping for a situation — a brokered convention — that would allow another person to be the Republican candidate for president this fall. Nor do Republicans seem overly concerned that an extended nomination fight will harm the party,” Mr. Jones notes.


“With the GOP primary season dragging on, the tea party in charge, and no clear leading candidate, you can expect things to only get more extreme. The last congressional races taught us what can happen if we don’t fight back early enough and hard enough. We’ve seen what it’s like to work with the tea party in the House. Imagine a tea party president. It could happen this year without your leadership.”

(New fundraising message to party members from Democratic National Committee executive director Patrick Gaspard).


Restless and indefatigable, the remaining Republican presidential hopefuls travel to six states in the next 72 hours. Rick Santorum appears to be regrouping and has yet to reveal weekend plans, though he’ll appear on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. Ever mindful of expanding his populist image, Mitt Romney includes a stop at the famed Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Once he’s finished up in Washington, Tennessee and California, bustling Newt Gingrich heads home to Georgia where he and wife Callista will embark on a two-day, six-town bus tour in the Peach State that begins Tuesday. “Every minute I spend in Georgia reminds me of why I ran for political office,” Mr. Gingrich says. Meanwhile, here’s where the candidates will roam:

Michigan: Mr. Romney, Rep. Ron Paul.

Washington, California, Tennessee, Georgia: Mr. Gingrich.

Florida: Mr. Romney.


• 52 percent of Americans say government regulation usually does “more harm than good”; 76 percent of Republicans and 38 percent of Democrats agree.

• 40 percent overall say regulation is necessary to protect the public; 17 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of Democrats agree.

• 53 percent overall say regulation on food production and packaging should be strengthened; 44 percent of Republicans and 63 percent of Democrats agree.

• 50 percent overall say environmental protection should be strengthened; 28 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of Democrats agree.

• 41 percent overall say workplace health and safety regulations should be strengthened; 25 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats agree.

• 39 percent overall say prescription drug regulations should be strengthened; 31 percent of Republicans and 41 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: A Pew Research Center survey of 1,501 U.S. adults conducted Feb. 8 to 12 and released Thursday.

Tipline always open at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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