- Thursday, December 27, 2012


A spokesman says former President George H.W. Bush’s condition continues to improve and that he was moved Saturday out of intensive care and into a regular hospital room. The Washington Times has prepared a digital get-well card for the former president, celebrating the many highlights in his career. The former president remains at Houston’s Methodist Hospital. Well-wishers were encouraged to send their favorite memories to Maria Stainer, editor of the Continuous News Desk, who compiled them below.


Dear Mr. President,

My family and I were very pleased to hear that you have been moved out of the ICU.

We celebrated Christmas with my sister and her family this evening. We toasted to your health, your leadership and your statesmanship. This country of ours needs you, Mr. President … your mission is not done yet.

Continue to heal.

Kindest wishes,
The Elliott Family


Dear Mr. President: My family has been following the news about your hospitalization. We hope your will to live remains strong. Please don’t leave us yet. I always look forward to news of how you are spending your birthday.

Wayne J. Newton, Captain, USN (Ret.) and family


Dear Mr. President,

I had the great pleasure to serve your White House Operations Staff after Desert Storm as part of the National Victory Celebration in 1991. I was Linda Reed O’Meara’s deputy, and with her direction trained and placed more than 3,000 volunteers in five events for that wonderful day. (Linda was Director of Operations Staffing for the National Victory Celebration.)

It is one of my earliest career achievements, and I still consider it one of my finest. My service in your administration cemented my core conservative principles and my service to the Republican Party. I continued on to run several campaigns and describe myself proudly as a “Bush Republican.”

I am thinking of you and your family, and I wish you a comfortable and peaceful recovery. Get well soon, sir.

With fondness and admiration,
Michele Monopoli Tivey
Weston, Conn.


Dear Mr. President,

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

You are an extraordinary man that should be proud of all you have accomplished.

Being a statesman and not a politician, when it mattered most, will be your legacy.

Godspeed and Best Regards,
Dave Dettloff


God love you, Mr. President, as much as we do!

M. William Morgan


Mr. President,

Best wishes for full and speedy recovery.

Your strength and fortitude have always been a source of strength to me. For anyone who can jump out of a perfectly good airplane when in their 80’s, this ordeal should be a piece of cake.

May God bless you and your family.
Robert Laubach
St. Petersburg, Fla.


Dear Mr. President,

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong as you always have done through many difficult times both personal and national. My fondest memories of you are from the Gulf War. I can still see you before the microphones holding firm to the principles of our country and showing the world where we as a nation stood.  You made me proud of you every day of your presidency. Leaders like you, sir, are few and far between. Know that you are admired and loved by millions of Americans who hold our flag and our country dear. You and your son are sorely missed in the Oval Office.

Just as you would end your letters, so shall I …

All the best,

Patricia Weir
Glen Carbon, Ill.


Dear Mr. President:

Anyone with the physical and mental fortitude to jump from an airplane at the age you did has the mental and physical fortitude to beat a fever.

My husband, Trent, joins me is sending to you and your family our sincerest best hopes for your complete recovery. We would also like to thank you for the many years you spent in service to our country.

Godspeed, Mr. President.

Trent and Alex Mulkern
Southern Maryland


Greetings and Happy New Year from Kennebunkport, Maine!

Snowing like crazy … beautiful. Waves are washing over the rocks. You know how nice it is.

Get well soon and “come on home!”



We hope he gets well soon.

Best wishes,
Joan Bachman
Chester Blynn
Hazlet, N.J.


Dear Mr. President,

I have heard personal accounts of your heroic actions in WWII. I admire you for your actions and feel grateful that America has men like you to defend our country.

You did brave things as President, and I admire that you did what you knew was right for America both in Iraq and addressing issues here on our own soil.

In your years of private life, I have admired your zest for life. I thought the airplane jumps were a little risky, but then much of your life has been lived that way. Above all, I admire the love that you have expressed, so openly, for your family.

Being honored with the Medal of Freedom is a big thank you for your service from all of America, and I am proud that we have a way to honor great Americans.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I look forward to the news report on your return home with Barbara.

Kindest regards,
Mary Britton


Dear Mr. President,

My wife and I sincerely hope and pray for your complete recovery. We appreciate your leadership qualities as an example for all of us to strive to archive.

Randy and Georgianne Frank
Fairbanks, Alaska


Dear Mr. President,

We send our thoughts and prayers to you for a full recovery. We have been supporters of your family for many years. Thank you for all you have done for our country. God Bless you!

Dan and Laura
Palmyra, Wis.


I was born in the Carter years, raised in the Reagan years, came of age in the George H.W. Bush years, tried to forget the Bill Clinton years, and embraced and admired the George Walker Bush years. What can I say to the outstanding 41st President of the United States that hasn’t already said? I guess, after hearing of his dear friend’s passing yesterday, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, it brought sadness to my heart. Because, I was too young to really fully appreciate the true goodness we had leading our country, and now at 34, can only appreciate it when it is too late. God Bless you George H.W. Bush, and my prayers for not only for you to come out of this stronger, physically and mentally, but for more people in my generation and younger to start to truly understand what a wonderful man you were, are, and will continue to be so.

Best wishes for a full recovery!
Daria Knupp
Registered Republican (State of Maryland)


Thank you for your service, and I hope that you’re well and home soon. Thank you for your service to this country in World War 2 and as president of this great country.

Sgt. 1st Class Cliff Haskins


Dear Mr. President,

Our family wishes you a speedy recovery! You and your family are in our prayers!

Gabby, Michael and Alexis Fellner
Pembroke Pines, Fla.


Hang tough, Mr. President. My family and I are praying for you.

Tim Groseclose


We are sorry to hear of his illness and pray that he will get well soon.

Dr. and Mrs. Tom Harper, Goldsboro, N.C.


Hang in there, Mr. President. A lot of people are praying for you.

Mark Jaynes


I am a hardcore Democrat, but I believe that you were the best Republican president since Ike. You are a true American hero, and I wish you the best.

Rocky Wilson


God bless you, President Bush.

With our prayers and gratitude,

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Snyder


Dear President Bush,

We hope you get well soon. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Ellen and Rick Cleveland
Corona, Calif.


Get well soon, Mr. President.

America was honored to have had you and Barbara as the First Family. Our prayers are for your quick recovery.

God Bless you and your family,
Rose Trench


Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your service to your country, hopefully one day mine, too. As a resident, I may not be able to vote, but I do recognize how great a statesman you were and still are. All week, I’ve been wearing the tie you gave me after your first jump. Better get out of the hospital quick. People are wondering if it’s my only tie. Corny joke, I know, but I laughed with yours, too. Get well soon.

Dany Claeys


President Bush,

I wish you all the best of good health and am praying for you and your family. Your courage and character have been an inspiration for many Americans, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your many years of superior service to our country and your inspirational leadership.

May God continue to bless you and Barbara and the rest of your family.

Sincerely yours,
Claude Lumpkin


My prayers go out to you, Mr. Bush.



President and Mrs. Bush,

Thank you for serving our country. You both are the epitome of servant-leaders. As you face the uncertainty of illness, we offer our prayers for strength and healing. May God bless you and yours.

S. Corbin


Love him. So kind. Great role model, and my son flew him and his wife personally while in the Navy. And they loved him. Dear George, the Lord waits for you!



Dear President Bush,

Although I frequently disagreed with you on matters of policy, I have always found you to be a gentleman and a patriot who tries to do what is right for the country. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery and a healthy and happy New Year!

Robert M. Kelley


I want to thank you for all you have done in service to this country. You are part of an inspirational family whose contributions to our society and the world is something to be very proud of. I pray for a speedy recovery for you and all others who are ill. Have a Happy New Year!

Tom Stanger
Westchester, Ill.


Dear President Bush:

You taught the nation the true meaning of leadership and service to our country, and you showed the world that American ideals are universal and worth fighting for. Our prayers are with you for a full and speedy recovery.

Thank you.

Howard J. Klein
Attorney at Law


Thoughts and prayers with an extraordinary man! Recover soon, back to Barbara! Best best.

Andrea Britell


Please get well, Mr. President. I pray for you and your family. America was honored to have had you as its President.



He emancipated thousands of dads and granddads by refusing to eat any more broccoli after he turned 60.

Janet Jenkins
Iowa Granny


Best wishes and prayers to President Bush! And to his amazing family!



Mr. President,

I will always remember meeting you in the Roosevelt Room in the White House and being escorted into the Oval Office for a photo opp in front of George Washington’s portrait over the fireplace. You asked us, “How do you like my new carpet?” To which we answered in the affirmative.

You were in Salem, Va., campaigning for your son in early 2000. As we waited backstage for you to be introduced, you personally autographed that photo.

I still proudly have it and it’s one of my prized possessions.

May God, the Great Physician, grant you recovery back to your family and a thankful country for your lifetime of service.

Fred Anderson


Just wanted to add my wishes and prayers for a full recovery.

Mr. President, I’ve long admired your humility and goodness and devotion to public service. In an era of so much divisiveness, much could be learned from your example. When so many look at political involvement as a means for power, you exemplify service. May God bless you with healing and strength.

Laura Darke
Torrance, Calif.


Our family and church are praying for your fast recovery. You are the example of what is good in our world. Your contributions to the United States has given us all leadership and kindness to emulate. The manner in which you as President structured the national decision-making process is a model for all world leaders. During Desert Storm there was a CIA–DIA disagreement of anticipated success on the eve of the invasion and the disagreeing parties met with you. During that discussion, I received a phone call from the White House while in the bunker in Riyadh asking my opinion and was able to support the SecDef decision to immediately move into Kuwait. I am sure the call was instigated by Mike McConnell. That is one of my fondest memories. We are all pulling for you.

Very respectfully,
Col. Richard M. Atchison USAF (Ret.)   


To my Commander-in-chief,

My wife and I wish you a swift recovery and all God’s blessings upon you and the family. You will always be Commander in my heart.

Daniel Rush USN Retired
USNS Kilauea HC5 DET4


You were the first President I voted for after I became a U.S. Citizen — therefore, like it or not (and I do) you will always be very special to me.

Thank you for always making me proud to be an American.

Kathy Tavoularis


Dear sir, hoping and praying for your speedy recovery and all the best to you and your family in 2013.

Claire Mencke
New York, N.Y.


What a wonderful man, husband, father, skydiver, grandfather and first Bush president AND revered by many at home and abroad. My prayer is for you to get well.

God bless George Herbert Walker Bush and his entire family.

As a nation, WE were blessed having you as our president who fathered another wonderful president.

Jewel Osborne


Dear Mr. President,

Having served your administration as a consultant in Sino-American affairs, especially in the troubling days following Tiananmen, your calm and steady leadership led to a normalization between the nations that laid the groundwork for today’s incredible economic cooperation and stability.

This legacy is an important historical point, amongst many, in your presidency!

My very best to you and Barbara, and Godspeed!

Bruce Koerner


Sir, a wish for a speedy recovery. Thank you for your service to our great country.

Tony Scheben
Erlanger Ky.


Prayers to you and your family. Hoping they figure out what’s wrong. I remember growing up my grandmother Alma West had a picture of you and your wife hanging in her house. She loved you dearly and thought your wife was an amazing lady in the White House.

Rhonda Button


Mr. President:

You are in my prayers for a fast recovery from your current illness. Please know that you are a living legend in your service for our country. You have set an example for all to answer the call to duty from WWII through serving both as VP and President of our country. You are an example for all, and I hope that the current administration would take time to learn what it means to put country first and not ideology.

May God bless you and Barbara.

Paul W. Reiss
Dennis, Mass.


We visited your summer haunts this summer. Hope you can once again go to the lobster lunch by boat when you’re well. Thinking of you for a great recovery!

Bert Hybels


Dominus vobiscum, old friend!

Lt. Col William Forbes


Mr. President,

Because of my military and law enforcement assignments, I have had the honor of meeting you as Vice President and President on more than one occasion. You and your family members always made an effort to say hello to those of us attached to the security team, even if it was a quick “where are you from” or “thank you for helping out today.”

I don’t know if anyone has ever told you, but that means a great deal to those that do what we do. You should also know that your son and his family carried on that tradition when they occupied the White House as well, and I had the privilege of meeting them on more than one occasion, too.

Thank you for everything you and your family have done for this country.

Get well soon and God bless you.

Tony Rahaim, Master Sgt., USAF retired (and current federal officer)
Naples, Fla.


Mr. President, I wish you well. Thank you for being my Commander-in-chief. I am a retired U.S. Army Sergeant. If I have to go away to serve this great country of ours, I hope and I wish we have a President like you. May the Lord be with you as you recover.
Sgt. Fernando Portugal (Retired) 


Sir, our prayers are with you. We could use more men like you in Washington these days and these days your time there is even more appreciated.

Tom Sullivan


Mr. President,

I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. Miss you. They don’t make them like you anymore, sir.

God bless,
Lynda Hellen
Cudahy, Calif.


Dear President Bush:

You were a wonderful President, V.P., and Director of Center Intel. Equally important, you helped defeat the Axis Powers in WWII. You are a fine Republican and American. I  recall you saying you were going into the grandfather business. Please hang in there and start a new franchise — the great-grandfather business!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rich Schweitzer
New Jersey


Dear President Bush,

Wishing you a speedy recovery. I consider you a great American who served our country in so many ways throughout your entire life.

A good and gracious man of enormous energy and talent.

Thank you for all you have done for our country and for your children who have also served with such distinction.

Look forward to seeing you on your boat in the spring!

Tom Sassi
Huntington, N.Y.


Heartfelt best wishes to the president for a speedy and full recovery. America wants you back from your sick bed. Perhaps another parachute jump when you’re feeling better.

Dick Quinn


We pray for your speedy recovery and return to active life on behalf of humanity. You set an example for morality in leadership that few have been able to equal.

George Kulynych
Knoxville, Tenn.


Dear President Bush,

My prayers are that you will get out of that hospital bed and walk out the door very soon. A little bit of that scene should be filmed for all the “doomsdayers” out there.

I had the duty and pleasure to be part of your security detail whenever you or Barbara traveled to Detroit. The Secret Service did the heavy lifting, but they needed Michigan State Police officer like me to handle the drunks and loudmouths. I was at the Ponch when Ronald Reagan nominated you, and I remember the cheering and crying “scrum” when the call came. I covered you when the Pope left for the Vatican after touring the country. I was with Barbara when she did a radio interview at WJR. I got to go to the Super Bowl with your daughter.

Now I bring these things to your attention because several of us know you are a man of incredible strength.  You can do it. You will do it. I’ll be watching you leave the hospital, this time on my T.V.

God bless you and your family.

Roy J.  Anderson
Retired State Police Detective Sergeant


I hope you feel better soon, Mr. President, I am sorry you are not feeling well.



The hospital is not home but its job is to get you home. My Mom age 82 was in the hospital this summer for 3 months. She said what kept her from being homesick was her family, the hospital staff, so caring and understanding when she felt down, and the many cards and phone calls she received. She gave most credit to the prayers. “There is Power in Prayer.” So President Bush, here is my prayer for you, Isaiah 41:10. “Do not fear for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

My prayers for Mrs. Bush and your family for strength and faith in all Christ’s work.

I hear you like to laugh, well Benjamin Franklin once said: “God does the work, but doctors get the pay!”

Sarah Jacobsen
Cypress, Texas 


Dearest President Bush and family,

On behalf of my grateful family, I am sending you and your family love and warmest wishes for a speedy recovery.

I have been a proud, lifelong Republican-now-Conservative — and you were an essential part of my life during the Big 80’s because I knew you’d keep our country safe and strong. As a proud American, I send my love and support and admiration to you and your family and thank you for setting such a stellar example of what an “Elder Statesman” should be. But you are so much more — a great father and loving husband, an American War Hero. We need more men like YOU! You rock President Bush. Get well soon! There are more adventures waiting for you!

Much admiration, your fan,
Dr. Dawne Streutker, DDS


Dear President Bush,

I wish you a speedy recovery. You are our hero and thank you for your leadership over the years including Kuwait liberation and honoring Texas A&M University with your library.

Ghiyath Nakshbendi
Bethesda, Md.


(Editor’s note: The following is from Craig Whitney, who worked for President George H.W. Bush.)

President Bush, you are in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. You are so very important to our family and this nation. One of my greatest privileges in life was having the honor to work for you when you were Vice President, then on the 1988 campaign, and then in your Administration working for Vice President Dan Quayle as Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Advance. Your leadership, integrity and strength of family was truly inspirational and you led this great nation by example.

Here is an excerpt from a commencement speech that I gave and think about often because it says so much about you and what you mean to all of us:

“I have found some people like that in my life, and the best case is a person whose character really did match the greatness of his title. When I think of all the qualities that make for a good man — the whole package — I’ll always think of George Bush, our 41st president. I spent a fair amount of time around him, and in public and private it was always the same gracious, goodhearted gentleman. President Bush once recalled some advice his mother gave him when he was a boy. She told him: Be honest. Tell the truth. Be kind. Care about the other guy — help him. Don’t look down on anyone. You have an obligation to help others. Compete hard — play to win.  Be a good winner — but be a good loser, too. Looking at George Bush today, in his 88th, I’ll always count myself extremely fortunate to have worked for someone I like and admire so much. It’s an example of character that’s hard to match. But if we look in the right places, there are always men and women of character who set the standard. Take your cues from their example, and you’ll never go wrong. You’ll be better at work, and better at life.”

We wish you a full recovery and the very best to you and Barbara, and your entire family.

Craig and Lori Whitney.


I will pray for your recovery so that you may continue shining your bright light among Americans. You exemplify the “thousand points of light” of which you spoke. I am a liberal Democrat and know you are deserving of honor and dignity. This is not about partisan politics, but rather a reminder that you are respected among individuals on all sides and you have worked tirelessly to promote volunteerism and make our country a better place. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and pray for your recovery. May God be with you and all your family.
Joe Adams
Jonesboro, Ark.


Dear President Bush and family:

My prayers and support are not new to the entire Bush family. I’ve been a proud Conservative Republican for many, many years. The Bush family shows the nation just what a happy loving family we were all meant to be.  My prayers are with the President and may God heal him and comfort his beautiful wife Barbara and all the wonderful children. I am partial to George W. Bush, I must admit. God knows your needs, and He will attend you throughout this difficult time.

Deepest respect,
Many prayers,
Judy Nave


President Bush — We are all anxious to see your smile again.

Rose D. Sigman


Dear President Bush,

Thank you for your great service as our President! I was proud to serve under your leadership in the U.S. Navy during both Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Our family is praying you will soon feel much better and be able to go home. May God bless you and Mrs. Bush, and may you know the Lord’s love and comfort in these difficult hours.
Very respectfully,
Randy R. Johnson
Associate Pastor
Stratford, Conn.


Get well, Mr. President. I am praying for your full and swift recovery.

Jim Bennington
Southaven, Miss.


Mr. President, with sadness I write this letter. Myself and family as well as millions of Americans I speak for the fact you’re not able to get your ship under way and run at sea speed to your next port of call. Maybe this extended port time in the hospital will get you back to sea, using some Navy terminology.

You’ll always be remembered by me and other personnel who participated in Desert Shield/Storm. You did it exactly right and had the right people calling the shots. My ship left in convoy from the Indian Ocean Island of Diego Garcia to the Gulf in August 1990. We were part of the Maritime Preposition Squadron #2 in the Indian Ocean loaded with 6 million pounds of ordnance. Our convoy took 5 days to arrive then split up to various ports to download. We were the first ships to unload then the buildup started. And we made a return trip as well with another load of bombs by December 1990.

I was so impressed with the operations it will never leave my mind how well it was coordinated. It often made me wonder what if you were President during the Vietnam War how it may have turned out? You brought pride back to the military and the nation was united not divided as it is today. You’re a true leader. No world leader could have every amassed such a swift buildup and victory other then you. It was your time to answer the bells and it was full speed ahead. In my opinion, you are the greatest President this nation has ever had. Get well Mr. President and thank you for your contributions to this nation. God bless you sir.

George Rogers


Dear President Bush,

Thank you for being an inspiration as a leader of our great country during difficult times.

Our prayers are with you for a speedy and complete recovery.

Marvin Schott, Col., USAF (Ret.)


God bless you sir.

Thank you for everything.

P. Evelyn & Family
Lakefield, Ontario, Canada


Dear President Bush,

Thank you for your service to our country. We are praying for your full and swift recovery.

Lisa and Matthew Schuster
Central Pennsylvania


There is a lot that I am impressed about President George H.W. Bush, and one of the things that I liked is his desire to keep up his tradition of sky diving on his birthday at his age.

Angelo Nappi
Former U.S. Coast Guard Veteran (1956-1960)


Sending prayers for a speedy recovery, Mr. President.

Janice Wilkins
St. Petersburg, Fla.


Dear Mr. President,

Want to wish you a speedy recovery and a “Get Well Soon Will Ya?” for the new year.

My favorite memory of your tenure was kicking Saddam’s butt out of Kuwait.

Jealous of your jumps with the Golden Knights and enjoy visiting your Presidential Library.

Please Get Well Soon.

A big fan!

Jeffrey Saunier
209 Oak Forest Trail
Euless, TX 76039


President Bush’s childhood home in Milton, Mass., is not far from my home in Quincy. I attended a ceremony there when he was honored, and remember walking miles in my high heels for the chance to see him and hear him speak! It was worth it. When I read his autobiography, and Mrs. Bush’s two volumes, I was astonished at the activity and friendships they have crammed into their lives. Well done, 41! Thank you for a life of service. Feel better and get home soon.

Christine Grundy
Quincy, Mass.


Dear Mr. President,

My family and I send our very best thoughts and prayers to you. You are an inspiration to us in so many ways. We are grateful for all you have done for us and our country. You were a wonderful president and set the standard as a father. We so hope you will be home soon.

We send all our best to you and Mrs. Bush. Please do what the doctors tell you to do. We want you to get well.

All my Best!
Cheryl Campbell

P.S. We voted for you in both elections and would do it again if you decided to return to politics. Goodness, we need more like you in Washington!


Dear Mr. President,

My family and I send out very best thoughts and prayers to you. You are an inspiration to us in so many ways. We are grateful for all you have done for us and our country. You were a wonderful president and set the standard as a father. We so hope you will be home soon.

We send all our best to you and Mrs. Bush. Please do what the doctors tell you to do. We want you to get well.

All my Best!
Cheryl Campbell

P.S. We voted for you in both elections and would do it again if you decided to return to politics.   Goodness, we need more like you in Washington!


To a noble patriot, hero, gentleman, and a model of the class dignity that belong in the White House. Get well. So many are praying for you.

Bart Fleming
Former Executive Associate Administrator (83-88)
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
U.S. Department of Healthy and Human Services


We hope he gets well soon.

Best wishes,
Joan Bachman
Chester Blynn
Hazlet, N.J.


Dear President Bush: You were a great President, especially when you led the world in ousting Saddam from Kuwait. In gratitude, I sent you a book of the complete collection of political cartoons drawn of President Lincoln. You sent me not one, but two, thank you notes. You sent the second as your final plans for the Gulf War were being made. I was touched that you took the time to do so, at such an important time. The whole nation is hoping and praying for a speedy recovery for you.

With best regards and the utmost in respect,
Michael McBride
McLean, Va.


My favorite memory of President Bush is of my receiving a letter from him shortly after he became Vice President and shortly after I became the Chairman of the Young Republican Committee of Lancaster County (PA).

He was to visit our county and a delegation was being selected to meet him upon his arrival at the local airport. As YR Chairman, I asked the event organizers for permission to be there to greet the Vice President. My request was denied.

Young and inexperienced in protocol, I wrote a long letter to the Vice President complaining about how short-sighted it was for his organizers to exclude the YRs from welcoming him to our county and how I should have been allowed to be there as he got off the plane.

To my surprise, he responded quickly, agreeing with me that I should have been permitted access on the tarmac that day and invited me to visit him at his office the next time I was in Washington. Regrettably, I never took him up on his offer.

Mr. Bush, you are a first-class gentleman.

Get well.

Greg Sahd
Lancaster, Pa.


I read the Washington Times today and wanted to send over a few quick comments regarding The Times’ collection of stories on President Bush.

I am away from my office at the moment, but I am writing a few comments.

I had the pleasure of working for President George H. W. Bush at the age of 18 during Reagan Bush ’84 and at 22 started traveling with POTUS as an Advance Representative when he started Fund For Americas Future, his PAC to run for President.

And I went onto various Presidential Appointments and worked in the George H. W. Bush Administration and in the White House as a Presidential Advance Representative.

During that time, I was one of only a few African American on his Advance Team team in the early 80’s but I was always treated as part of the family.

Ironically, I worked for President George W. Bush in the same and other capacities.

Anyway, more direct comments are coming with a few photos and a documentary that show me with President Bush that we just produced and it had been airing on PBS in Florida for several months.

In essence, the Bush family and President George H. W. Bush truly influenced my life at a young age and like most of our family we are still involved in public service.

Today, at 48 I’m truly sadden by his intensive-care condition, but am keeping my spirits high.

Thank you and have a great day.

Derek Boyd Hankerson
Managing Partner and Producer
Freedom Road I, LLC
P.O Box 861143
St. Augustine, Fla. 32086


Dear Mr. President,

I pray for your complete and quick recovery! Your country still needs you Sir. Keep up that great humor and we look forward to your parachuting in celebration of your next birthday!

Loyal fan,
Aaron O.


Mr. President,

I pray you get well soon and return home to your family and thank you for all you have done for this country during your presidency and then mentoring your son to also be an outstanding president for this country.

Carolyn L. Johnson
Waldorf, Md.


Dear President Bush,

You are in our thoughts and prayers as we wish you a speedy recovery from illness. Your light is a steady beacon among a thousand points of light moving our nation forward into the future.

May God Bless you and Mrs. Bush.

Chesapeake, Va.


May God bless, protect and comfort you, Mr. President.

Thank you for all your service to our country.

Bill of Great Falls, Va.


Mr. President,

Thank you for your continued service to our country.  Please get well soon because I am sure we want to read, in the WT, that you parachuted on your 90th birthday.

Best of luck.

Tom Bowman

P.S. I wonder if they are going to blame President G.W. Bush for this as well?


(Editor’s note: The following is from Antonio Benedi, former Special Assistant to President George H.W. Bush:)

My heartfelt wishes for a full recovery and my constant prayers are with our 41st President in his time of need. I have known President George H.W. Bush for over thirty-four years. I worked for him at the White House when he was Vice President and also President. I have never met a more compassionate, caring and loving person in my life. I have traveled with him all over the world on over hundreds of visits while in office and as a Former President. Everywhere we went there was a outpouring of respect and admiration, and gratitude. It was overwhelming to say the least.

One of the most memorable visits I made with President Bush and Mrs. Bush was to Berlin, Germany, for the 10th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. We stayed on the East side of Berlin near the Brandenburg Gate. They had planned a big gathering at the gate to commemorate the date. Former Soviet President Gorbachev and Former German Chancellor Kohl were also present. They were all in power when the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed and Eastern Europe was free. President Bush led the free world at this historic time. We were staying at a Hotel on the east side. We had gone up to the room to wait for the time the President and Mrs. Bush needed to go down with the other leaders to the stage to address the gathered crowd. There was a small balcony in the room and the President asked me if it would be all right to step out to see the crowd. I consulted with the Secret Service and we all stepped out to the balcony. It was an incredible site. The Brandenburg Gate all lit up. A big stage where performers were entertaining the crowd and hundreds of thousands of people gathered. Some in the crowd noticed President Bush and Mrs. Bush on the balcony and a wave, like in sporting events, started to turn toward the President. The crowd was waving their arms and chanting, “Thank you President Bush.”

It was a very touching and emotional moment. I will never forget the gratitude in the faces of those gathered toward the Leader that led at a moment in history that ended an evil era. This happened, most of all, due to President George H.W. Bush’s great diplomatic skill, he did it peacefully. President Bush accomplished this without firing a shot! It was amazing. I will never forget that moment.

President Bush. My prayers are with you. As is that of a grateful nation. You have touched my life like no other. I am one of the honored that had the privilege to work with you. I love you Mr. President.


Had the privilege of meeting Mr. Bush and his wife during his trip to Melbourne, Australia, in 1990. My wife actually chatted for 5 minutes about where to shop in Singapore with Mrs. Bush. They both gave everyone present [about 100 Americans posted to Melbourne] plenty of time. Genuinely nice guy. Get well.

Henry and Susan Newbold


Thank you for your service to our country President H.W. Bush.



I pray that God will hold onto your hand and see you through this difficult time. You are a good man and thank you for your service to this country both as a Navy hero and as the leader of the country.

Rita Fauls

I am an immigrant from Peru and I cherish the right to vote as a naturalized citizen.

I cast my first vote for President Bush. I vividly remember that vote. I was in college and left the computer lab excited to cast my vote. When Pennsylvania was called for President Bush, I felt proud to have been partly responsible for that. Eight years later, President Bush spoke at USC and through a bit of luck, I found myself in a receiving line with a chance to shake his hand. I told him that I had met his nephew, George Herbert “Chip” Walker, in college and also at Goldman Sachs when we both were working there. The President smiled at that. It was a quick personal moment but another one that I will cherish.

Thank you President Bush for your service to this country that has been so good to me, my parents, my family and my wife’s parents (immigrants too) and family.

God bless you sir, get better soon.

Very truly yours,
Juan E. Alva
Calabasas, CA


God bless and keep you, Mr. Bush, is my prayer for you. I well remember your excellent handling of Operation Desert Storm. Barbara was certainly a wonder example of a First Lady and such a wise woman.

Best wishes,
Annette and John Alabaster


My earliest childhood memory (I am 27) was seeing President Bush announced our victory over Iraq. It was a smart and pragmatic victory that made you feel proud to be an American.

All the best,
Chris Fredrickson


Dear Mr. President:

My family and I wish you a full and speedy recovery.  God Bless you and Mrs. Bush.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Jerry Klunder
Byron Center, Mich.


Dear Commodore –

You’re in my thoughts and prayers — “T&P” in speechwriter shorthand — but I really mean it, so here we are, sitting around the stove at the Kennebunkport Yacht Club, wishing you a speedy recovery. You’ve got to get in shape for the 90th birthday parachute jump.

Wes Pruden
Editor Emeritus of The Washington Times


Mr. President, we send our most sincere wishes for your speedy recovery!

David S. Jackson
Executive Editor of The Washington Times


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