Monday, December 17, 2012

Many years ago in his regular column in the National Review, William F. Buckley Jr. mentioned the futility of using logic when debating a liberal. Since reading that piece, I have noticed many examples that illustrate how correct his observation is.

Many liberals fail to understand why their policies worsen the very problems they expect to cure. They conclude, wrongly, that the reason for this is that their actions didn’t go far enough. When even stronger actions don’t have the desired effect, they predictably conclude nothing can be done to correct the problem because the world has somehow changed. Their minds seem to be incapable of realizing that the outcomes they witnessed are the logical result of their own failed polices.

Although liberal economic policies fit this scenario almost perfectly, there is no better example than gun-control laws. The liberal left seems to think a law prevents people from committing some undesirable act when, in fact, all a law does is authorize the government to investigate and punish lawbreakers. It is the fear of being caught and punished that is the actual deterrent. Consequently, no gun-control law will ever stop some mentally deranged person from publicly committing random murders to gain attention. Such deranged people have always existed and always will. The present laws that effectively disarm the public serve only to maximize the damage such people can do.



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