- Associated Press - Sunday, August 5, 2012

The rating agency Standard & Poor’s stunned the world a year ago by stripping the U.S. government of its prized AAA bond rating.

The downgrade of long-term U.S. Treasurys threatened to sow chaos in financial markets, driving up U.S. interest rates, pushing the dollar down, scaring investors away from stocks and into that traditional refuge for the fearful: gold. In fact, the Dow Jones industrials dropped 635 points in panicked selling the first day of trading after the S&P announcement.

A year later, S&P’s historic move looks like a nonevent. Long-term interest rates are sharply lower, the Dow reversed course and is now up more than 1,600 points. The dollar has rallied, and gold prices are down from where they were when S&P lowered the boom.

Rival rating agencies Moody’s and Fitch have said they might downgrade the U.S. government’s blue-chip rating, too, though neither has followed S&P’s lead.

It is difficult to imagine a more decisive repudiation of S&P’s warning that the U.S. government might not be able to pay its bills.

But things aren’t so simple. After all, the rating agency downgraded federal debt largely because it feared that America’s dysfunctional political system couldn’t deliver credible plans to reduce the federal government’s debt. S&P decried American “political brinksmanship” and concluded that “the differences between political parties have proven to be extraordinarily difficult to bridge.”

A year later, the two political parties are still as deadlocked as ever. They can’t agree how to reduce the annual gap between what the government spends and what it collects in taxes. That deficit is expected to be $1.1 trillion in the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. Each year’s deficit adds to the federal government’s $11.1 trillion in accumulated debt.

The White House and congressional Republicans last year came up with a plan designed to force themselves to compromise. If they can’t reach a budget deal by the end of the year, $600 billion worth of spending cuts and tax hikes — far more draconian than anything either side would agree to — will kick in Jan. 1. The shock of those measures would push the U.S. economy over the so-called “fiscal cliff” and probably into a recession, the Congressional Budget Office warns.

Despite S&P’s warnings and the political stalemate, investors still want U.S. Treasurys. Given economic turmoil in Europe and uncertainty elsewhere, U.S. government debt and U.S. dollars look like the safest bet around.

The United States owns what amounts to the world’s currency. Global business is largely done in dollars, which keeps demand for the U.S. currency high and reduces the likelihood of a dramatic drop.

And as bad as things are in the United States, they are worse elsewhere, particularly in Europe. For the United States, the day of reckoning over the federal debt is probably years off.

“We have a fiscal challenge that is massive, but it’s a little ways away,” says Phillip Swagel, a University of Maryland economist who served in President George W. Bush’s Treasury Department. “With Europe, the fire is at their doorstep.”

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