- The Washington Times - Saturday, August 25, 2012

Looking to curry favor with female voters, Mitt Romney told supporters in Powell, Ohio Saturday that he wants women to be able to fulfill their dreams in the business world.

The former Massachusetts governor said his campaign is all about making it easier for both sexes to start and open businesses.

“I want to speak to the women of American – who have dreams, who begin businesses in their homes, who begin businesses out in the marketplace, who are working at various enterprises and companies. I want you to be successful,” Mr. Romney said.

The appearance comes as the Republican party and the Romney campaign continue to deal with the negative fallout from the Rep. Todd Akin “legitimate rape” comments and the Missouri Republican’s decision to stay in the race.

Mr. Romney was already dealing with a gender gap, trailing Mr. Obama among women by nine points in the latest USA Today Swing State poll.

The two campaigns have traded accusations of waging a war on women, with Democrats pointing out that Mr. Romney opposes Roe v. Wade, vowed to end government funding for Planned Parenthood and has remained silent on the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Mr. Romney has countered that the unemployment rate for women has skyrocketed on Obama’s watch.

“When he says there is a war on women, let’s bring him back to the fact that it is the real war on women that has been waged by his economic policies,” Mr. Romney said shortly after wrapping up the nomination earlier this year. “Let’s hammer day in and day out what has happened under his policies.”

Mr. Romney’s trip to Ohio comes as he gears up for his official coronation at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., which along with the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte the following week will serve as the starting gun to the three-month sprint to Election Day.

The Republican urged voters to look beyond Mr. Obama’s words and urged them to look at his record.

“If they look at that they will kick him out of office and put people into the office that will actually get America going again,” Mr. Romney said.

Speaking alongside his newly minted running mate Paul Ryan, Mr. Romney said that four years after Mr. Obama delivered a “brilliant” address at the Democratic National Convention, it is clear that his failed to fulfill his promises.

And he warned that Mr. Obama would try to sugarcoat his performance when he accepts his party’s nod in the coming weeks.

“He will have all sorts of promises to offer again,” Mr. Romney said. “He will tell you how much better things are, but this time we have more than just the words, we have the record. We understand what a big gap there is between what he promises and what he hopes, but actually delivers. That is why this November the people of Ohio are going to make sure we get a Republican in the White House and take back America.”

• Seth McLaughlin can be reached at smclaughlin@washingtontimes.com.

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