- The Washington Times - Friday, August 24, 2012

As usual, the Democrats have nothing worthy of their own to promote, so they are going after Mitt Romney to release more of his tax records.

My advice to Mr. Romney is to tell the Democrats to pound sand.

All we should want to know about a president’s tax records or the tax records of any elected public official is whether that person has cheated on taxes or has made money through illegal means. Other than that, how much money a candidate has is no business of mine or yours.

Unlike the backgrounds of Rep. Charles B. Rangel, former Sen. Tom Daschle and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, there is zero evidence that Mr. Romney has cheated on his taxes.

What the Democrats want to do is to play class warfare, pit rich against poor. Playing class warfare is all the proof you need to know that the Democratic Party despises successful people such as Mr. Romney.

The Democrats abhor success. They would rather Americans be beholden to Fedzilla for food stamps and other government programs than go out and become tremendously successful on their own.

The Democrats hate success because they know success ultimately breeds success. The more successful Americans are, the less power and influence the Democrats can have over them, which means the less political power the Democrats can wield. That’s not a good thing for socialists and other big-government addicts and dependents.

The “man” keeping down the people is not a successful person such as Mr. Romney, but rather the Democratic Party, which buys their votes by enslaving its supporters with government programs and checks, funded with the tax dollars that people like Mr. Romney have paid.

When it comes to taxes, let’s keep in the forefront of our collective knowledge that the vast majority of all federal income taxes are paid by just 10 percent of the wage earners, like Mr. Romney, and that nearly 50 percent of Americans don’t pay any federal income taxes.

That’s the real shocking and ugly tax statistic — not how much money Mr. Romney has made or paid to Uncle Tax Sham.

With the sizable and legal pile of money Mr. Romney is reported to have made and banked, my hope is that he has legally hid as much of it as possible from Fedzilla. I would much rather Mr. Romney have his money than surrender it to Uncle Sham, who burns through our hard-earned tax dollars with impunity.

The Internet is a treasure trove of ugly example after ugly example of Fedzilla torching our tax money. Google “wasteful government spending” if you doubt me.

Waging class warfare against successful people is all the Democrats have left. Instead of promoting success and independence, the Democrats demonize it. That’s the real story, not the charge by Democrats that Mr. Romney has failed to release his tax records.

Should Mr. Romney release his records, let’s wait and see if the president then releases all his academic records, complete health records and other documents. How about it, Mr. President?

Our worthless lapdog media won’t press the president on this, but conservative watchdog groups and other writers will continue to remind Americans that our president has been the least transparent in the history of the country.

Mr. Romney is a model of success and deserves to be applauded for his hard work, grit, risk-taking and tenacity. He made his money the old-fashioned way: He went out and earned it.

The Democrats have nothing to run on except class warfare and disdain of success, neither of which is found in the character of the true American experience.

Ted Nugent is an American rock ’n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ’N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing).

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