Monday, August 20, 2012

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s ideas for Social Security and Medicare are meant to save both plans. Mr. Ryan’s mother is a retiree in Florida. He would do nothing to hurt her.

Mr. Ryan has said we made promises on which the elderly planned their retirements and we must keep those promises. No one over the age of 55 will be affected. The plan guarantees Social Security and Medicare as is. Those younger than 55 in 2022 will be given an option to join Medicare or take a guaranteed coverage plan allowing them to choose their own coverage. It will function like the current federal employee plans.

President Obama, meanwhile, took more than $700 billion out of the Medicare trust fund, which seniors pay into every month. Mr. Obama uses this money to pay for those without insurance. Not only do seniors pay for Medicare, they also pay for supplemental insurance to cover all our medical expenses. The president promised that medical costs would not go up, and then he raised the cost of Medicare. But Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius will decide what care we should get and when. Her regulation on paying for contraceptives changed the definition of “church.” Now a church can only serve its own members and hire its own members to be exempt from paying for morally objectionable abortion. President Obama said he lowered middle-class taxes by halving the payroll tax. That’s the money people contribute to their Social Security insurance. They thus will not have a large enough contribution to qualify when they are ready to retire. Is it any wonder the Social Security Administration is going broke?

Pray for our nation and that in November we elect honest men who love America and want it to be one nation under God once again.


Front Royal, Va.

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