Monday, August 20, 2012

Thus far in the presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, has chosen to focus his attack on President Obama’s presidential record. Columnist Charles Krauthammer, however, recently suggested that the better approach is to concentrate on Mr. Obama’s ideology rather than his stewardship in the White House.

Mr. Krauthammer has a point. Mr. Obama, without a doubt, is a liberal who is so far left that, as some would say, he borders on outright socialism. There certainly is no shortage of examples concerning Mr. Obama’s far-left political philosophy. For instance, how can you explain his unannounced plan to turn our country into a cradle-to-grave socialistic utopia?

First, he has actively promoted the government’s food-stamp program — even to the ignoble extent of advertising on the radio for food-stamp participants. He relaxed the requirements for enrolling in the government’s Social Security disability program. And by executive fiat, he waived the work requirement in the 1996 welfare reform law to eliminate work as a condition for receiving welfare. Furthermore, his signature legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), enables hundreds of thousands more Americans to enroll in the nation’s Medicaid program. Last of all, following his partial takeover of the nation’s auto industry, he announced his desire to put even more of the economy under government control (“Obama: Let’s take over every industry,” Comment & Analysis, Monday).

If Mr. Obama gets four more years in the White House, he is bound to have the vast majority of Americans dependent upon or under the control of the federal government. This is his ideology. It is a concerted effort to move our country away from capitalism and toward socialism. This, when you come right down to it, is what this presidential election is all about. Mr. Romney needs to get this message out loud and clear.



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