Thursday, April 26, 2012

This week at the National Press Club, Interior Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar robotically extolled the Obama administration’s oft-repeated commitment to an “all-of-the-above” energy policy (“Salazar says critics live in ’fairy tale’ land,” Nation, Wednesday).

By repeating what is now more empty political rhetoric than substantive policy solution, Mr. Salazar apparently hopes the American people will take the bait - at least until November. But shoehorning consumers into purchasing expensive alternative energy by using misleading statements about America’s actual resource potential contradicts President Obama’s stated commitment to an all-of-the-above strategy.

Despite having been caught twice recently in erroneous statements, the Obama administration continues to deliberately mislead the public by saying the United States has just 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves. In reality, these are “proved reserves,” which pale in comparison to the 200-plus years of domestic oil supply waiting to be produced right here at home.

If the administration were serious about an inclusive energy policy, the president would permit the Keystone XL pipeline to bring more oil to be refined and used in this country, open up the 97-plus percent of federal lands currently off-limits to production and push Congress to reconsider Environmental Protection Agency regulations mandating the use of ethanol in gasoline.


Senior vice president for policy

American Energy Alliance


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