- Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The whole problem with this crowd here in Washington always comes into perfect focus every year right around … well, Tax Day.

Business is humming all over town. Housing prices are soaring. Neighbors talk about how they rent their tiny one-room basement apartments for $1,500 a month or more. The city repaves sidewalks with expensive brick just because it looks nicer.

The rest of America is suffering a double-dip recession and this boomtown is enjoying a double bounce so prosperous people can’t seem to spend money fast enough.

So what is the answer these people — especially the current crowd in the White House — offers for how to fix this stunning inequity? This criminal injustice?

That’s right. Let’s not take less money from the rest of the country and send it to Washington. They want to take … wait for it … more money from the rest of the country and send it to Washington.

It is their belief that every dime you work for and earn, by default, belongs to the federal government, for them to spend as they see fit. For them, the burden is on you, the lowly taxpayer, to argue for why you deserve to keep the money you earned. A tax cut, according to these kleptocrats, is an act of generosity by the federal government.

And then we find out what we’re paying for includes lavish junkets to Las Vegas for federal employees who work in a bureaucracy few people have ever heard of. If the General Services Administration evaporated tomorrow, it is unlikely that most Americans would even notice.

Yet the American worker must pay for clown suits, bubble baths and luxury suites.

“It’s yo birfday,” wrote one excited wife tagging along with her bureaucrat husband. “We gonna pawty like iz yo birfday!”

And the insulting taunts from federal workers who think it is all funny how they rip off America’s tax-paying chumps. One idiot federal worker even testified he did not know taxpayers were picking up the tab.

Could there possibly be a more damning and insulting statement about the mindset of these nearly unfireable leeches? They are the pinnacle of the entitled welfare state.

Yes, fat, writhing leeches, we poor suckers are picking up the tab. And it’s not by choice.

Literally, it is under the threat of jail time and the point of a gun that our hard-earned money is taken from us. And this is how you thank us.

And President Obama demands that American workers must pay more to Washington. Yet, like the vast majority of government-firsters, Mr. Obama took full advantage of every tax deduction and legal loophole he could find in the tax code to pay as little taxes as possible.

So much for paying his “fair share.”

Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com.

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