Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I want to be able to choose to buy health insurance and medical care, if I wish, from anywhere in the United States. Neither federal government-based and federally controlled Obamacare nor state-based and state-controlled Romneycare can provide me with the freedom of choice I want.

The only version of medical care reform that will provide me with the broadest range of choice would be a market-driven solution. The federal government should stay out of the business of medical care as much as possible and let the market do its magic.

The widely varying mandates and regulations of states will determine the coverage available, and competition will shape the prices of both health insurance and medical care throughout the country. Price fixing should not be allowed. I should be able to find what I need at a price I can afford in a nationwide marketplace. Insurance companies and medical care providers will compete for our dollars by organizing themselves, improving and guaranteeing quality and efficiency, and by offering competitive prices. This is the only type of medical care reform that will really work.


Salt Lake City

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