- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 15, 2011

The pro-life movement has enjoyed remarkable success in recent years, seeing the passage of numerous laws in state legislatures to limit abortion and protect women and children from abuse by the country’s largest and most unscrupulous abortion provider, Planned Parenthood (PP). In 2011 alone, 83 pro-life initiatives became law. Particularly noteworthy are new fetal pain laws in five states that ban most abortions after 20 weeks, when it is universally agreed that the fully formed baby can feel the horrific pain of the procedure (although many experts agree that the fetus feels pain much earlier). Planned Parenthood opposed these humane laws.

Laws passed to inform women and protect women and children and Planned Parenthood’s response include:

  • In 2004, Ohio banned the use of the abortion drug RU-486 unless administered in compliance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) directives. RU-486 abortions have been responsible for deaths and numerous adverse effects. Planned Parenthood sued, saying the law was an “undue burden” for women. In May 2011, the court summarily rejected PP’s arguments.
  • In 2005, South Dakota passed a law requiring abortionists to tell women that abortion will “terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being” and to inform them of the known medical risks of abortion, including depression and suicide. Planned Parenthood sued South Dakota, challenging the law except for the “known risk” and “depression” provisions. This month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled in favor of most of the law but not the “suicide” provision, citing an American Psychological Association (APA) report from 2008 that states that there are no adverse psychological effects from abortion. However, there was a vigorous judicial “suicide” dissent pointing to problems with the APA report. This point is sure to be argued again, as Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green University has just published a meta-analysis of studies showing that suicide risk increases by 155 percent after abortion, and David C. Reardon of the Elliot Institute has illustrated a number of deceptive nuances in the APA report’s conclusion.
  • In 2009, Arizona passed a law requiring that women be fully informed of abortion risks by a doctor 24 hours before an abortion. Planned Parenthood sued to have the law declared unconstitutional, but in August, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled the entire law was constitutional. Planned Parenthood closed seven of its 10 affected abortion facilities because they could not or would not comply with the law.
  • In 2011, Illinois unanimously passed a law expanding the definition of a “mandatory reporter” of suspected sexual abuse to include everyone inside an abortuary - not just the abortionist and nurse. It provides additional protection for children being sexually abused and taken for a forced abortion by a predator. Planned Parenthood, which has a history of hiding statutory rape, vigorously opposed it, saying it would “overload the Department of Children and Family Services,” which is nonsense but demonstrates that PP’s highest priority is its profits.

The foregoing examples show Planned Parenthood objects to observing FDA safety guidelines in the use of RU-486, informing women they are killing a new human being as opposed to the mantra that “it is just a mass of tissue,” informing women of abortion risks and protecting minors. The organization obviously is not concerned with women’s safety or providing women an informed choice.

Earlier this year, President Obama said he would shut down the government before he would agree to reduce the hundreds of millions of dollars that fund PP. Mr. Obama must prefer that women be uninformed and at risk and that children face sexual abuse enabled in PP’s abortuaries. He is acting in an immoral and heartless manner, forcing taxpayers to support these evil practices. He seems to care only about the money Planned Parenthood can funnel to his re-election campaign. How sad his presidency has been for our country.

John Naughton publishes the Project Mustard Seed monthly newsletter.

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