Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The president of the United States is not able to lead because one of his de facto bosses died prematurely in office. When “the Lion” succumbed to brain cancer two years ago, the nucleus of the long-standing Kennedy political machine - and President Obama’s power in Washington - faded. The loss of Ted Kennedy left an educated yet very inexperienced young Democrat in charge of the world’s most important administration and economy.

No one would wish these events on any person, political party, president or nation - yet they happened. American workers and small-business owners must stop looking nationally to Washington to provide local innovation, jobs, solutions and leadership. The U.S. economy must recover via personal responsibility, merit and measurable results at the granular level - regardless of national election cycles or endless political rhetoric.

Save your money, focus on following financial guidelines and our laws and do everything you can to strengthen your family, your schools and your local business community.

More importantly, duplicate the heartfelt mindset of supporting nonprofit organizations by helping for-profit businesses and regional employers turn around their bottom lines, as opposed to wearing and tearing them down.


Charleston, S.C.

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