Thursday, October 6, 2011

If American manufacturers and producers do not see increased demand for their products and services, they will not hire more employees.

I think there are three steps our government can take to solve the unemployment problem: First, a nationwide campaign to “Buy American” should be undertaken. Second, any remaining stimulus money should be spent to restore decaying infrastructure, such as bridges, dams and water and sewage systems - not on green energy or futuristic technologies. Private industry should invest in commercial activities.

Third, our president should visit the heads of domestic industries and determine what they need in order to grow locally, and he should speak with the heads of American companies that operate overseas and learn how to encourage them to relocate manufacturing back to the United States. Repatriated manufacturing means satellite businesses to support them and more jobs, payroll taxes and income taxes, as well as the restoration of our economy.


Gainesville, Fla.

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