- Thursday, October 6, 2011

Meghan McCain: Charm not enough for Cain

Meghan McCain has “warm feelings” toward GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain, but the 26-year-old won’t be hopping on the Cain train.

In a Monday column for the Daily Beast, Miss McCain said the approachable personality of the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO doesn’t warrant him the presidency — or even a presidential nomination. If Mr. Cain’s charm was enough to land him the top-dog position, Miss McCain says, people such as “The Hangover” funnyman Zach Galifianakis would run for office.

“As much as even I can find myself developing warm feelings toward Cain because he seems like a nice, charming and normal person, if that were the only qualifications for president, we should be nominating Zach Galifianakis,” Miss McCain wrote of the plump comedian who portrays a socially inept, mooching schlub in the hit movie.

Jokes aside, Miss McCain added that Mr. Cain’s business endeavors don’t make up for his lack of political experience.

“Although Cain has been outrageously successful as a businessman, he has almost no experience in politics and has never actually held public office,” Miss McCain wrote. “I admit that even I have found myself getting caught up in his moment. But I assure you when the rubber starts hitting the road, voters are going to want someone with real experience in all areas of politics, especially when it comes to foreign policy, something Cain has no experience in, unless Godfather’s Pizza delivers to Canada.”

As much as she wants to “grab a beer and slice of pizza” with Mr. Cain, the Daily Beast columnist said being cool just won’t cut it.

“Come 2012, I am not going to be voting for someone based on who I think would be the most fun to hang out and have a beer with,” Miss McCain wrote. “I am going to be voting for the person that I think will have the best chance of beating President Obama and gaining votes from independents.”

Read more: dailycaller.com/2011/10/05/did-meghan-mccain-liken-herman-cain-to-hangover-actor-zach-galifiankis

Celebrity PSA: ’Famine’ is the new ’F-word’

The anti-poverty group One launched a new video public service announcement Wednesday titled “The F Word: Famine Is the Real Obscenity.” But viewers will be forgiven for thinking the video is about a different F-word.

The 60-second video features a broad range of celebrities and politicians advocating an end to world hunger by shouting “famine.” Video producers covered their mouths, however, and bleeped all but the initial “F” sound, leaving viewers with the impression the stars are yelling an obscenity.

In a statement Wednesday, co-founder and U2 frontman Bono said: “More than 30,000 children have died in just three months. Mothers are forced to decide who to feed and who to let die. In 2011? That’s obscene.”

He said public health policies can be put in place to save lives.

“Sex and the City” star Kristin Davis also is participating. “You think we’re beyond this, that we’re better organized, that we’re more caring as a world,” she said. “But something like this can still happen. And it’s shocking.”

One landed in hot water in 2010 after the New York Post obtained tax documents showing the group spent more than half its income on activists’ salaries — and shared less than 2 percent with anti-poverty charities.

Celebrities involved in the new anti-famine PSA include George Clooney, Jessica Alba, Somali-born singer and poet K’naan, Fox News host and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, online publishing magnate Arianna Huffington, and former first daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush.

Read more: dailycaller.com/2011/10/05/celebrity-psa-famine-is-the-new-%e2%80%98f-word%e2%80%99

Obama names Shakira to advisory panel

Colombian diva Shakira has been appointed by President Obama to his Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, along with a series of Democrat-affiliated advocates and boosters.

Shakira may have gotten her slot on the educational commission in part because Mr. Obama is ramping up his outreach to Hispanics by promoting Hispanic celebrities. The Hispanic vote is important to the campaign’s success, especially in swing states such as Florida.

In May, for example, Mr. Obama invited celebrities Eva Longoria and Emilio Estefan to a Cinco de Mayo event at the White House. Both are members of the National Museum of the American Latino Commission.

A week earlier, Mr. Obama met with Miss Longoria and other celebrities to talk about immigration. “We like to blame Obama for the inaction, but he can’t just disobey the law that’s written,” Miss Longoria told reporters as she left the White House.

Shakira has spent significantly to support education for poor children in Colombia. She lived in Colombia until she made her career as a singer in the 1990s.

Her hometown of Barranquilla has erected a 6-ton metal sculpture of her.

Read more: dailycaller.com/2011/10/05/obama-appoints-diva-shakira-to-advisory-panel

Compiled by Laura Donovan, Betsi Fores and Neil Munro © 2011 The Daily Caller.


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