Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can someone explain to me why the GOP presidential candidates feel compelled to meet with Donald Trump? The most recent is Herman Cain on Monday (“Inside the Beltway,” Monday). Last week, it was Mitt Romney. While this all may make for good theater, does anyone think it makes for good politics?

Donald Trump is all about one guy: Donald Trump. It’s been this way from Day One of his career. If I were advising any of the Republican hopefuls, which I am not, I’d tell them to stay away from The Donald. His support could be the kiss of death.

If the GOP presidential candidates want an endorsement that truly will be meaningful, then they should be meeting with Nancy Reagan. She is the personification of the Reagan legacy. Her support would send a powerful message throughout the GOP. Mr. Trump’s endorsement, however, if it ever materialized, would be a monumental disaster.


Laguna Beach, Calif.

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