Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where’s my tax money? I see no evidence that any American’s life is better because President Obama is spreading my or other taxpayer’s cash around like mayonnaise.

What I do see is administration officials acting like common thugs, demanding money from decent Americans and giving it via “loan guarantees” to powerful friends, who then give the money back to Mr. Obama’s campaign as contributions. Mr. Obama will get his billion-dollar war chest easily because he is emptying our Treasury.

Has anyone ever wondered why Mr. Obama can go on TV and verbally beat the daylights out of a powerful member of American industry, and not even a whimper is heard in return? It’s because the powerful guy probably gets a wad of cold, hard cash to ease the pain.

We’ve been suckered long enough. Let’s show these guys how Americans treat a huckster who tries to sell us snake oil. Let’s make sure Mr. Obama is a one-term president.


Gainesville, Fla.

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